3. Best friends reconciled

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Zoya's POV

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Zoya's POV

“Noor, Get up!” I pulled curtains aside, allowing sunlight to enter the room.
“Ahhmmmm.... Di!” she turned to other side of the bed, whining.
“Noor!” She leaned over the headboard, pouting.
“This so wrong di. I slept late. Let me sleep na!”
“I am not going to melt listening this excuse of yours. You have college. So, get up.” I said, picking her books from bed. She was sleeping in between books. Oh god! She is taking studies too seriously!

“Why you missed attending Chirag bhaiya's marriage? He is your friend from school na!” I continued to set her room and asked,
“How do you know about it?”
“I saw invitation card. It was day before yesterday.”
“Noor, we will talk about this later. I have to drop Maasi to airport. She is returning back to Lucknow. Get ready fast!” I dismissed the topic and left the room.

I know I should have attended the wedding but I don't want to answer their questions. They are my only friends and... Whatever! I have other works here. But I will send my best wishes and gift for him.

I entered my room only to hear my phone ringing. Why Arpit is calling in the early morning? I attended the call.

“Good morning Zoya!”
“Morning Arpit. Is there any emergency in the office?” I asked worried. I don't know even a single thing about business. How will I handle it? Till today Arpit has handled and helped us in the business a lot after Papa's death. He was Papa's favourite.
“Nothing much. You just have to attend a conference and dinner party today.” He said.
“Yaaar..... I don't want to.”
“Zoya you must do this for Noor. She is going to take over soon. You must meet some people here and there which will help her later. Me meeting those people will do nothing as I am a employee.”
“Hmm... I think you are right! When is it?” I asked, understanding the fact.
“Tomorrow. I will send you the details.”
“Good enough! Thanks Arpit. I will see you tomorrow then. Bye!”
“Bye, Zoya!” I hung up the call and went to freshen up.

I stood up after completing breakfast and asked Maasi, “Come, I will drop you to airport.”
“No need Zoya, I didn't book any flight tickets yet.” She said, serving herself more. I looked at her wide eyed.
Didn't she need to return as uncle is alone there. I sighed.
“Zoya, I staying here for two more days."
“Fine! Come Noor, I will drop you to college today.”
“No Di, it's okay. Today I have late classes. I will manage.”
Are they up to something?? Shaking my head, I left for hospital.

It's lunch time. I am not in the mood to eat. What should I gift Chirag? He personally called me but I still didn't attend the wedding. I will invite both of them to Mumbai sometime or visit them.

I was making these plans, not knowing when I will complete them. Suddenly someone barged in my cabin. That someone was none other than Aarohi.
She was glaring at me, angrily. Practically, fuming in rage.
Oh no! You are gone Zoya!

“Dr. Zoya Raichand, I expect some better explanations from you!” She said, banging her fist on the table.
“Aarohi.. I..”
“You know what, I don't think we are on first name basis now. No?”
“Aarohi, listen...”
“No! I don't want any argument here. Try to wind up your work as soon as possible. I am returning tomorrow. So, you have very less time to give explanations, Dr. Raichand.” She said, stressing on my name and left for my home.

It hurts that she is not calling me by my nickname. We were so close. Its all my fault. I like a fool, distanced myself from her. She is my only friend and... Whatever I should finish my work for today!

I reached home soon and found Massi and Aarohi having some snacks in the hall, laughing. Maasi knows her? They look like long lost friends meeting. This should be me and Aarohi, not Maasi. This is so wrong.

“You are getting back what you gave!" My mind chided.
Yes! I ignored Aarohi and that's what is she doing now.

I placed my belongings on couch and grabbed a chilled water bottle. Hot summers!
I sat beside Aarohi, drinking water and she went silent.

“You are back Zoya? How was the day?” Maasi asked.
“It was good!” I mumbled. I want to talk to Aarohi. Alone.
“I am going to cook dinner. You two talk, okay?” Sensing the awkwardness maybe, she moved to the kitchen.

“Aaroh...” She glared at me.
“Explain Dr. Raichand!”

We both settled ourselves in balcony with coffee mugs. Mild evenings feels like heaven in summer.

“Zoya, why did you hid it? As much as I remember, both of them treated me as their own daughter. I was no less. We both were practically glued to each other. When you created this much distance, haan? Thanks to Noor and Maasi that they finally decided against you to inform me. You know Chirag was so upset when he came to know about this. More upsetting was that you didn't tell us. Why Zoya? Were we not your friends?”

I don't know what to say. Even I don't have any explanation for what I did. Or say I have, but it will sound stupid. So, so, so stupid.

“Aarohi.... I.. I am sorry. It was an accident, or you can say not an accident too. That day we all four w.......” I told her everything what happened on that fateful day.

“You thought we will held you responsible, as you are holding yourself?” I nodded, pushing my tears back. There is no use of crying. That was fate.

“Zoya.... It was no one's fault other than those bastards. I hope you made them get punishment by law.” She whispered in my ear, engulfing me in a hug. Oh! I should have told her long back. Such an idiot I am.

“Yes I did.” I said, coming out of the hug.

“Aaru di, are you not angry on di anymore?” Noor said, pouting. From where she appeared suddenly?

“Nope! I am not.” Aarohi said, smiling.

“I thought I will get to see some drama.”
She said, settling on another chair, between me and Aarohi.
I smacked her head lightly.

“It was you who called her?”

“Not only me, but Massi too! Aren't we smart?” She said, winking.

“How come Maasi knows her?” I thought.

“Because I have seen you playing with a girl when you were small. And you kept telling your stories with her. You were around 7 then.” Maasi said, coming.
Did I say that aloud?

“Ofcourse you said it aloud, Zee TV. Just like the daily soap's bahu.” Aarohi said, laughing.
Zee TV. She gave me this nickname.

“Whatever!” These three laughed more on my expense.

Evening passed peacefully with giggles and laughter. After dinner me and Aarohi are in my room.

“Ahhh.... I think my nightwear is with Naina.” Aarohi said groaning, after disorganising her luggage.

“With whom Chirag got married?”
“Yes, exactly!”

“It's okay! Wear my nightwear na... Anyways, you are returning tomorrow.” I said, giving her another set of my nightwear.

“No, I am staying here Zee. Around for one week. Let's enjoy.”

Oh wow! Yes! Just like old time!

Mostly we talked and don't now when sleep engulfed us.

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