Chapter 2

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(I hope you like this one. I really liked it so enjoy.)

Me, George and Fred went to the train and immediately went to look for an empty compartment, like we always did. Once we found one, we entered before anyone had the opportunity to enter. After a few minutes of talking about our summer, Luna entered in the compartment.

"- Hello." she said with her soft voice. She always had a soft and calm voice. It was relaxing talk with her, she was always so relaxed and calm, even when something bad happened.

"-Hi Luna" the twins said at the same time, like they always did. That made me laugh softly before getting up and going to give my bestfriend a tight hug "I've missed you during the summer!"

"- We talked almost every day Y/n" she said laughing softly, taking a step back breaking the hug.

"- I know but letters it's not the same thing as personally!" I said smirking and giving her a side hug while guiding her to seat next to Fred while I sat next to George. It was always like this, me and Luna sitting next to the windows in front of each other, George sitting next to me and Fred next to Luna.

After a few moments talking and talking, we were getting close to Hogwarts so me and Luna went to change to our uniform, both Ravenclaw uniforms. When we came back to our compartment and we heard a loud gasp and a "No way" coming from our compartment. We entered the compartment and sit down again in our seats.

"- What were you talking about?" I asked curiously. George looked at the grown trying to hide the giggle that came out of his mouth.

"- Nothing important." answered Fred blushing and looking everywhere but me "Well you two are here so I guess its our turn to go change" Fred said getting up and leaving the compartment with George.

"- Well, that was weird".

George Weasley

I saw the way my brother looked at Y/n. Of course, he liked her, but he didn't want to admit that, maybe is because she is our bestfriend, I don't know. But I wanted to ask Fred.

He was currently looking at the place where Y/n had disappeared into the corridors of the train to change to her uniform.

"- Earth call Fred! She isn't coming so soon." I said looking at the same way he was looking. He looked at me before he looked at the ground and tried to hide the blush "Do you like her?"

"- Hu? Who-who are you talking about?" he stuttered pretending he didn't know what I was talking about.

"- You know......Y/n!" I was excited to see his reaction. He couldn't lie to me, I'm his twin brother, I know when he is lying. And he knows that.

"- Of course, I like her, she is my bestfriend" he said pretending he didn't get what I was trying to say. I looked at him with a "you know what I'm asking you" look with a little smirk.

"- Ok...... maybe I like her...." he said looking at me kind of annoyed, relieved and suspicious about my reaction.

"- No way!" I said at the same time Y/n and Luna entered in the compartment.

"- What were you talking about?" Y/n asked. I couldn't stop giggling so I tried to hide my face looking at the ground. Fred's eyes went wide looking at me.

"- Nothing important." He said trying to avoid Y/n eyes who looked suspicious "Well you two are here so I guess it's our turn to go change".

Fred looked at me sending me a "lets go" look so I stand up and followed Fred out of the compartment.

Y/n Black

After a few minutes of me asking Luna about her summer and she telling me everything, since the first day to the last, George and Fred came in the compartment. We were finally at Hogwarts. I was so excited to see all the students walking on the corridors, the twins playing pranks on everyone, Flitwick running after the twins and them laughing about it. I missed all of this.

When we entered the Great Hall, I felt in home. Me and Luna went to the Ravenclaw table and the twins went to the Gryffindor table.

The first year students were sorted and Dumbledore gave his speech, as always, and then we finally could eat. I was starving, I didn't eat the whole trip in the train. Sometimes I just didn't want to eat because I'm a little insecure about my body. My body its not the slimmest of all so sometime so sometimes I was a little insecure about it. But I don't dislike my body at all, I'm just insecure about it sometimes. But it was not the case, I just forgot to eat in the train. When the food appeared in the tables and we could start to eat I immediately filed my plate.

"- Excided to a new year?" Luna asked me with an impressed look but change immediately because she was used to me eating a lot of food in the first day.

"- Yes! You?" I replied with my mouth filed with food.

"- Of course!" Luna answered with a smile in her face, like she always had. When dinner ended, we went back to our dormitories so we could change and sleep.

Back to Ravenclaw tower I realised how much I missed this. I knew that I missed this, but I didn't realise I missed this much. This summer was complicated, and I think it did me good to come back ready for my sixth year. Me and Luna went to our dormitory. The blue curtains, the blue sheets, it was all so familiar and so welcoming.

"- Good night Y/n" Luna said lying in her bed. I wished her a good night and went to sleep.

Next morning, I woke up incredibly early, so I got up, got dressed and before breakfast I decided to go for a morning walk. The common room door closed behind me, I left the Ravenclaw tower behind, deciding to go visit the Astronomy Tower. When I got up there, I saw a tall figure leaning against the railing. I knew how it was, so I went to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.


Who do you think it is? I hope you all liked this chapter.  Next chapter is coming soon.

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