Chapter 24

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"Mom, we need to explain and to tell you something..." George said calm. The twins were so calm and I was freaking out inside. I mean I dated her son but still loving his twin, and now I'm dating his twin.

"Tell me my dears." she said, nodding for us to sit down on the kitchen table. I sat next to George and Fred in front of George while Molly sat at the end of the table closest to us.

"Well, I'm going to start." Fred announced after some eye contact with George, like talking in telepathy.
He proceeded "You know that me and Y/n were dating right?"

She nod and waved to him to go on "Well, Y/n and George always loved each other, but when George started dating with Angelina, I got the opportunity to date with Y/n because I loved her and I still do. She accepted and we started dating, but she never could love me the way she loved George. So today, she came to me to beak up with me. I accepted well and told both of them to date, even tho it's going to hurt, they love each other and that what's important. We talked about it together and now they are dating."

Molly seemed confuse. She turned her face to me, asking me to explain better.

" Well, I love Fred, but like you said the other day, I'm not in love with him. I'm in love with George since we met, and he is too. We couldn't ignore the feelings that we had for each other. So I hope you don't hate me." I said with a nervous and shaking voice.

" Oh, honey I don't hate you. I always knew that one day you two would be together. All tho I didn't like what you did, of dating Fred but still love George, but everyone makes mistakes." Fred looked at his mother with a hand on the right side of his chest, acting hurt, but she continued "Sweetie, it's the wrong side. Your heart is on the other side. But anyways what I was trying to say is that, I knew that some day this would happen because it was obvious that you didn't look at Fred the same way you looked at George. And no Fred, you are not a mistake. "

We laugh and got up like she did. She hugged the twins and asked them to give us a moment alone. They nod and went to the living room.

"Are you mad at me Molly?" I asked, shaking nervously again. She looked at my eyes and smiled kindly.

"You have your mother eyes." she cupped my face with one hand, caressing my cheek with her thumb. I smiled and felt tears at the mention of my mother.

I never knew her but my dads talk about her a lot so I know a lot of things about her. That's something I would thank my dads for ever, is to let me know who my mother was.

"You knew her?" I asked and we sat down at the dinner table again.

We started talking about my mother. Stories and more stories about her with Molly, her times in Hogwarts. Its so good having people around me that knew my mother. They can tell me more about her and that feels like she never left.

"oh dear, look outside! It's already dark. I need to get dinner done!" Molly said and I stood up to help her.

"I will help you." I told her and a big smile spread on her face. We started dinner, talking and talking about the twins, the family, school, my mother.

Talking with Molly always made me feel so complete, like she always treated me like her daughter and when I talk to her I really feel that love. She is the person closest to the mother role in my life. I love my dad's, but it's not the same.

"Y/n dear, will you ask everyone to come eat please?" I nod and left kitchen, entering in the living room. I announced that dinner was ready and they all jump from the couch, armchair and floor to go eat.

We were all there eating together, like a big family, even tho some of us are not family from blood but are family from heart, Molly's words.

"I'm home kiddos!" we heard and all of us turned our head to met Mr Weasley face. We all said hi in lync and he kissed Molly's cheek.

I want that love in the future. They are proof that true love exists. Maybe one day this will be me and George.

We continued our meal with a lot of laughing and smiling people. It was a great energy with great people.

When the dinner was finished we stayed just a little longer talking. Molly picked up our plates and started to clean the kitchen while we were there.

"Darling?" George whispered in my ear. I looked at him with a smile and he placed a hand on my thigh.

"Yes George." I said, since he wasn't answering to my nod.

"Do you wanna go to the living room, cuddle and reading? I can read to you, or you to me..." I obviously said instantly yes. I loved when we just cuddle and read. "Okay, great! I'm going to grab a book. Pride and Prejudice?" I nod with a wide smile and we left the kitchen.

Pride and Prejudice wasn't just my favorite book, it was Georges too. We always read and talk about it together.

I payed donw on the couch, waiting for George but after some short minutes he came, placed the book on my hand and layed down on top of me with his head on the crock of my neck.

I placed a hand on his head to massage his scalpe and began to read our book, but after some time reading George had fallen asleep on my lap.

I closed the book and placed on the living room table. Adjusting myself under him to make me more comfortable, I rested my head on top of his and kissed the top of his head and closed my eyes.

Bering like this with him made me feel safe and calm. I felt comfortable like I didn't felt with anyone else.

I falled asleep, feeling George's warm breath hit the skin of my neck.


I walked out of the kitchen, entering in the living room, just to find George and Y/n sleeping. He was in her arms, with his head on the crock of her neck, and she was hugging him tightly.

How I wish I could be like that with her in this moment. She looked peaceful and calm. Beautiful like she is.

"You will find the right one Freddie..." I heard a familiar voice and felt a delicate hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so Hermione. I hope so..." I said going in their direction to cover them with a blanket. Y/n moved a little to adjust herself but didn't woke up.

How I could wish to be in Georges place....

Im currently starting a knew fic but this time with Draco.
It's going to be very different but I think you will love it.

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was kinda difficult to create because I didn't knew what would Molly say but I got there and I think it went pretty well.

Love you all and sorry if I made any errors ;)

See you in the next chapter!

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