Chapter 16

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Well hope you enjoy this one.

Maybe this will not be the last one for tonight.

When I got out of the shower Fred wasn't there. I assumed that he went out after what happened in the shower. He was very angry, but I wouldn't blame him. I moaned his twin brothers name when we were in a moment.

I really needed to get George out of my head. 

I finished dressing me when the door opened. I looked quickly and saw George entering and closing the door behind him.


I just finished my relationship with Angelina. She took well I think. She understood and she thanked me for being truthful and we stayed friends.

I couldn't stop thinking about Y/n. I meesed up with her by telling her I liked her. She is dating my brother. What was I think!

I entered in the common room and I heard someone slamming their door. I looked at the direction of the noise and saw Fred storming from our dorm. He looked pretty angry.

"Hey Freddie what's wro-" he walked pass me hitting his shoulder on mine making me stumble back "Hey Wtf Fred!"

He stopped and turned his whole body to look at me. He walked furious towards me and stopped when he was close to me.

"Let's see what happened."he started with a sarcastic voice "Me and my girlfriend were having a intimate moment and when I was giving her pleasure she moaned your name out of nowhere!" he raised his voice looking furious.

"Okay, you go get some air because you need it to calm down and I'm going to grab something from our dorm and I'll meet you in the second." I said with a severe look but trying to sound as calm as possible.

He turned around, deciding to agree with me, and walked out of the common room.

I needed to talk with her. I needed to know what happened. I'm sure it's my fault. But I need to know.

When I walked to our dorm Y/n was cleaning her stuff. She looked at me as I entered and closed the door behind me.


George walked closer to me stopping a few feet away. We were making eye contact and I took a step closer to him. He walked even closer to me, making me look up to meet his eyes.

He placed a hand on my check and bend down over me. Our noses were touching and he brushed his lips onto mines and then he kissed me. I didn't stopped until the moment I realized what was happening.

"WTF GEORGE!" I pulled out taking a step behind. This couldn't happen. I'm with Fred. I know we are not in good terms because I messed up but I'm still with him and I would never cheat on him, or on anyone.

"I'm sorry. But it was the moment and Fred told me what happened in the shower and -"

"He told you!" I snapped and slammed a hand on my forehead. I took a deep breath and looked at George again.

"Well, I don't have nothing to say to you or about this..." I pointed between us "But just stop and stay away George. I loved you so much. I was in love with you. But you chose Angelina in the same day that I was going to tell you and I hated you for that. I though that maybe there was a chance for us to be together but there wasn't and now I'm happy with Fred, not right now but I need to find him and talk with him. I loved you George, but you didn't love me back."

" You loved me? When?" he asked.

" Yes I loved you George. Since year one. But you never looked at me more than just your best friend and-"

" Arenyou fucking kidding me! I always loved you! Since I saw you for the first time." he walked closer to me and grabbed the side of my face with his hand "Why do you think I always treated you differently?! I always fucking loved you Y/n! I still do don't you fucking understand!"

I looked at him trying to stay calm "No George. Now it's to late. I'm with your brother. With your fucking brother George! You should said that before getting with Angelina. You hurt my heart and now I'm finally happy with Fred."

He nod letting his hand fall from my check. He took a few feet away from me still facing me with his hands up in surrender. He sat on his bed and looked at the floor with sad eyes. I saw a single tear rowling down his check as I started walking away. I stopped and turned around to face him one last time.

"George..." his head went up to face me "Things could be different."

And with that I walked away. My vision becoming blurry due the many tears forming in my eyes. I entered in my dorm and fell on my bed crying.

Tomorrow I'm going to talk with Fred cause right now I don't have the energy to have that talk with him.

I got up to dress my pajamas and went back to bed covering with the sheets. I cried until I had fallen asleep.


The night went well. I cried but once I had fallen asleep my body relaxed a little. I was nervous about the talk that I was going to have today with Fred about yesterday. I wanted him to forgive me but I didn't know if he could. If he couldn't I would understand.

I got up to do my morning routine and get ready for my day although I wasn't in the mood to go to class I had to. I just wanted to stay in bed all day but it was not going to be the case.

Once I was ready I left the dorm being the first out. I walked down to the Great Hall. Some students were already there but not a lot of them. My eyes landed on the familiar ginger boy and his twin.

They looked at me at the same time but George quickly looked away while Fred got up and walked up to me.

Now he was standing in front of me and I had to look up due his height. He bended over me and wrapped his arms around my back hugging me. I hugged him bac with my arms around his shoulders.

"I'm so sorry Freddie..." I whispered as he tightened the hug. I immediately relaxed and once we switched places, now his arms around my shoulders and mines around his back, I rested my head on his chest.

He smell so good...

"It's okay. But we need to talk about it, okay?" he said with a hand grabbing my jaw to look at him an the other hand tugging a lock of hair behind my ear.

I nod and he guided me to sit next to him in the Gryffindor table. Once we sat awkward tension grows between me, George and Fred. I got closer to Fred and he placed his hand on my tight.

We finished breakfast and went to classes. I went to Transfiguration with Luna and the twins went to Potions...


Whoops they liked each other...

Really awkward moments will come so get prepared!

Sorry if I made any errors.

Love you all!!!!

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