Chapter 36

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The last two months flew away so fast and right now it was our last day at Hogwarts as students.

But nothing special happened in the last two months.

We all passed our OWL's with actually really good grades. I decided finally what I wanted to do with my life. I want to be an Auror. So I did every exames I needed and since I got really good grades, once school is finished, after the big vacations, I'm going to start a job in the Auror Department. 

I may actually talked with some people to have this opportunity but most of the work was mine. I was literally killing my self studying but i got there and I got the results I wanted. 

Fred and George were going to open their joke shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. Yes they ended up agreeing with this name and they even found the perfect place for it.

I was going to leave with them and Lee above the shop, which was close to Lee's work in Gringotes, and my work.

Luna and Blaise were going to leave close to us too. Luna was going to be a writer and Blaise was going to oped his own bar and caffe.

We were all too excited to our new chapter. And the fact that we are going to stay close to each other makes it more easy and enjoyable.

Me and George already talked about our future home. Just the two of us and maybe kiddos or pets and we had decided that we are going to wait and have stability and then think about that type of stuff.

We were currently packing our stuff and preparing ourselves to or graduation.

"Are you ready Y/n?" Luna asked me and I turned around to face her. 

"Are you afraid of what it's coming next?" I asked her sitting in my bed and looking at my feet.

"Kind off. You?" she asked and I nod.

"I'm sure of what i chose and the live I'm going to have but isn't it weird knowing that we will never going to be Hogwarts students?" she sat besides me and I looked at her face "Like, next year we aren't going to come back here and sleep here and study here and have fun here."

"I understand you but think, we are going to see each other every day. If not everyday then every week." she smiled at me. The smile that always calmed me down when I was frustrated. And then she continued "We are going to live close to each other and you can always come to my house when you need to you know that."

I felt tears come to my eyes when she said that, and when i looked at her I could tell that she was fighting agaisnt the tears.

"Luna, promise me something." I said holding up my pinky to make a pinky promise like we always did.

She hold her pinky up and nod for me to continue.

"Promise that, even if we go into separate ways. We will always find each other and we will always be best friends." 

"I promise that, even if we go into separate ways. We will always find each other and we will always be best friends." and with that we intertwine our pinkys and kissed them to make our promise official, like we always did.

I wrapped my arms around her and she hugged me back intensively. 

We didn't want to let each other go. It felt like we would never see each other again even tho both of us knew that that wouldn't happen.

We will always be best friends even if we don't talk for months maybe years, I will always know that i can count on Luna and she on me. I will always love her unconditionally like I always did. 

We broke the hug and when we saw that both of us were crying we started laughing. 

"Oh my. We need to finish this!" I said and she agreed with me.

Once we were finish with the packing problems and getting everything off of that dorm that was ours we stand by the door, watching our beds and spaces empty.

"Damn, the room looks so emtpy without our stuff." Luna said and i leaned my head on her shoulder making her lean her head on top of mine too.

"Yeah. It really does." I took a deep breath and and closed my eyes.

So many flashbacks from the last 7 years. 

We running in the dorm and playling, fighting, laughing and crying. We getting prepared to our balls and parties. The amount of times we stayed here in the dorm with the boys instead of going to take dinner.

Everyting passed through my eyes and i smiled at the good memories we had in that dorm. 

When we walked away and closed the door, a empty feeling passed through my body but I knew that it was normal. Hogwarts was my home for so long. It will always be my home, and hopefully my childrens home in the future.

We picked up our bags and left the common room. Leaving every person, book, memory behind  to meet a new life and a new begining.


After saying goodbye to some people we walked to the big doors, like we always did.

We looked ahead and smiled, hoping the future would be great.

"Guys, let's take a picture." Fred said and we all agreed and stood in front of the big doors smiling for the picture.

So many things changed since the first year and it means the world to me that this people are in my life.

I started first year thinking no one would be my friend but then the twins and Luna appeared in the compartment and then Lee and Blaise appeared through the years and we all became friends.

We took the picture and walked out of Hogwarts to meet Arthur on the outside.

We were all going to spend the summer on the Weasley's to make everything in order and then we will start our new chapter, all together.

"Kids come on quick quick." Arthur said and we all laughed and run inside of the car. Our bags flew to the back of the car and we Arthur entered the car we went to the Borrow.

I looked as we flew away from Hogwarts. Some tears came to my eyes.

I was sad to leave all of this behind but happy for my new chapter.

I felt a hand on my thigh and I smiled when I understood who it was.

I looked at him and got closer to him. He leaned to me and I kissed his lips.

The tears came down my face but we continued kissing.

I was so excited to feel his lips everyday to the rest of my life.

We broke the kiss but stayed with our foreheads touching, both smiling.

"George, promise me this is forever." I said.

He looked at me without breaking the connection between our foreheads and smiled "I promise you I will love you, cherish and care for the rest of my life."

I started crying and he wrapped his harms around me.

I definitely found the one.


DAMN  that....I felt that.

But I have to tell you guys this....

The next chapter will be the last one.

It doesn't make sense do a series but I will finish my Draco fanfic and maybe something different will come...

Well, I hope you enjoy  the rest of the story and prepare yourself for the biggest plot of this story.

Sorry if I made any mistake

Love yall and see you ok the next chapter.

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