Chapter 18

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I'm soooo happy!!!

Hope you all enjoi this one and sorry if you find any errors.

I just finished my last OWL and I had to admite, it went well.

I was leaving the Great Hall when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the side. I was facing his back and I was so confuse.

What does he want from me?

"Y/n I need to talk to you..." he said turning me around and making sure no one could hear our conversation.

"What do you want Cormac?" I asked shoving his hand off of my wrist. He looked at me with angry eyes and pinned me against the wall with a knee betweenb my legs and his hands either side of me.

"We were so happy together remember?" he asked with a devilish smirk. I wanted to leave but I was stuck.

"Fuck you!" I spit in his face and he raised a hand but before he could do something someone grabbed his hand. I looked behind him "Freddie..."

"Don't you dare to touch my girlfriend ever again!" Fred said with grinned teeth. Cormac turned around laughing and letting me go. I immediately run to behind Fred.

"Or esle what? She is just a stupid whore-" and with that Cormac received a punch on his face, but it wasn't Fred.

George was now on top of Cormac on the floor, punching him in the jaw multiple time until Cormac couldn't fight anymore.

We were the only ones on the corridor. When George was finished we left him there. I was hugging Fred the whole time because I was scared and he hugged me thigtly comforting me.

They walked me to my dorm, wishing me good night, and went to their dorm.

*a week later

Today we are going on summer vacations and I was pretty excited to go to The Burrow.

Yes I was going to spend my summer vacations there since my fathers were going to a trip the whole time to have a vacation just the two of them. I loved the idea seeing that they don't do that in a long time.

My birthday was in two weeks. I'm sad that I can't spend with my fathers but that's okay because I know that they will send me a letter wishing me a happy birthday. And I was happy that I get to spend with, what I consider, my second family.

"Are you ready?" Luna asked grabbing her trunk. I grabbed my from my bed and placed on the floor. We don't need to carry our trunks, they always land on the Hogwarts Express.

"Yap let's go!" she smiled and I smiled back as we walked out of the dorm. We stopped at the common room and looked at each other.

"I can't belive that one more year had ended. Next year is going to be our last year of Hogwarts!" I said looking around the Ravenclaw common room with all the giant shelves and all the books and the blue aesthetic.

"Me too. It was complicated this year but bext year is going to be better..." Luna said looking down at her hands. I rested a hand on her shoulder while caressing it with my thumb.

"I hope so..." and with that we turned around and walked out of the common room for the last time this year.

See you next year common room.

We walked down to the Entrance Hall. Multiple students were walking out of the doors. The twins, Lee and Blaise were waiting for us. I love that even Blaise being a Slytherin, they tried to get along with him since he is Luna's boyfriend and now they are really good friends.

I walked closer to my boyfriend and Luna went to her boyfriend to. We looked at each other and walked together out of the castle.

Something inside of me told me that next year was going to be really different than this one, and I hope better.

We walked to the Hogwarts express and sat on our compartment, this time with our large group. Me, Luna and the twins sat on our seats, but this time Fred next to me and George next to Blaise that was next to Luna, and Lee next to Fred. I can't deny that this seats and seeing George on the other side while Fred next to me, makes me a little sad but this would be our new seats.

They started a deep conversation about books and films but I was sleepy so I had falled asleep on Fred's shoulder.


"Love?" Fred murmured while stroking my check with his thumb. I opened my eyes and looked around. We were still in the train and when I looked outside I saw London so we were getting close.

"Good morning sleepy head!" I heard Lee say when I rubbed my eyes duel the amount of light. I smiles weakly and felt Fred pressing a kiss on my nose. My smile went wide and I let out a giggle.

"Hi to you to..." I said to Fred kissing the corner of his mouth. He wrapped his arm my shoulders and I leaned to rest my head on his shoulder.

When we got to the platform we picked up our trunks and said goodbye to Luna, Blaise and Lee. Me and the twins walked to the passageway and saw Molly already with Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny.

We all said hi and went through the wall of the platform 9 3/4. We met Mr Weasley in front of his flying car and went to. The Burrow.


After a two hour ride, we got there and we all went to leave our trunks in the rooms. I was going to stay with the twins like always, but it was going to be different with all the things going on between me and George.

"So tell me, how was the rest of the year?" Molly asked me as I sat down, joining her in the kitchen table with the cup of tea that she had made for me.

"It was great." I said smiling. It wasn't entirely true, but it wasn't entirely false either, but I didn't wanted to tell Molly about all the drama so I decided to kinda lie.

"And how are the things between you are Fred?" she asked with a lot of excitement in her voice. Ginny sat down next to me and Hermione joined us to.

"Well it's going great. We had our fights but we always talk about it calmly and resolve it." I told her with a smile remembering our good times, but then came the memory when I said George's name in the shower and my smile dropped. I'm still confused about these feelings towards George but I'm ignoring it to see if they go away.

"Almost 6 months am I right?" Hermione asked curiously. I nod smiling at her, pushing away that memory.

"Yeah, in three weeks we do six months." I was proud of our relationship. We get along so well and we love each other, and that's all that I can ask for. Obviously we have our disagreements but we always get through that.

A pair of hands found themselves on the back of my chair and a hot breath hitting my ear. I knew who it was so I leaned my head to the side and he kissed above my ear.

"Hi darling." he said in a hot whisper. I turned my head to the side to face him and kissed his lips softly.

"Hi..." I said between the kiss. He got himself a chair and sat besides me.

I started a conversation with Molly and the girls while Fred played with my fingers trying his rings on each finger...

I don't write real smutty chapters in a long time so maybe in the next chapters there is going to be some smut.

Well love you all and see you in the next chapter!

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