Chapter 29

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I'm so bored

I was in Potions and Snape was teaching us some odd potions that we didn't care at all. All of us were bored and he wasn't in the mood to teach potions, like always.

I sat next to George, who was playing with the fingers of my left hand while I tested my head on my right hand.

He was trying some of his rings, seeing if it fitted on my fingers, but as I was expecting, they were to big.

"One day I will give her a ring." he murmured smirking at himself softly and I understood what he was trying to say and smiled at his face.

He was acting like a child with his new toy, being the toy my fingers. But he stopped playing with them when Snape got our attention.

" I think that's all for today. Your dismissed." we all let out a deep breath of relief and hurried grabbing our stuff and walking out of the classroom.

Me and George were walking to the courtyard, George resting his arm around my shoulders, when Fred appeared in the same position but with Lee.

" Hey guys. Where are we going?" Fred asked with a big smile on his face. And smiled at how happy they were together.

"Yes where are we going?" Luna asked with Blaise exactly in the same position like we all were, him resting an arm around her shoulders.

"Well, me and George were going to the courtyard and spend sometime there and watch the sunset. Do you wanna join?" I asked, knowing that they were coming even if we didn't invited them.

None of them responded, letting me know that we all were going to spend sometime together and see the sunset.

We walked side to side through the hallway, feeling like the most popular group around Hogwarts. All students looking at us when we walked past through them made us feel more and more powerful.

Once we reached the courtyard there wasn't that many people in there, so we took a sit on the grass and talked to each other, laughing and smiling.

Happy for once.

I was sitting between George's legs, with my back against his chest and he had his arms around my stomach and his chin leaned on my shoulder. I placed a hand on the nap of his neck scratching it with my nails softly.

He hummed on my ear and I smiled and continued talking with Luna, that had Blaise laying with his head on her thighs and playing with her fingers in a super cute way.

"Luna! Look." I said nodding at Fred and Lee's direction. She turned her head and smiled with me when she saw how they were.

Fred and Lee were taking to each other laying on the grass, Lee on top of Fred and Fred brushing his fingers through his soft hair, pulling it behind and Lee kissed the tip of his nose.

"Ugh! Can you guys stop?" I said, making Luna chuckle and George too understanding what I was going to say.

"Stop what Y/n?" Fred entered in a defensive mood with a straight face.

"Being so cute. Dam!" I smirked at Fred and we all laughed and Fred looked at Lee and they kissed.

"Awwwwwww!" we all said and them chuckled without breaking the kiss. The kiss quickly turned in a make out session making all of us groan.

They chuckled once more and broke the kiss, cuddling on the grass.

I looked up at George, since he had got his head up when we all starter looking at Fred and Lee.

The sun was hitting his face making his freckles more noticeable and his brown eyes shining. He was looking in front, giving me his side profile.

So hot!

He noticed that I was looking at him and turned his head to face me smiling down at me. He picked my jaw, gently pressing a kiss on my lips, making me melt even more.

How in love I am with this man!

I smiled in the kiss, which made him smiled too broking the kiss but I immediately grabbed the side of his face, leaning him down to kiss him one more time, not wanting to let him go.

I broke the kiss, leaving our noses and foreheads touching while making eye contact with him. We couldn't stop smiling at each other at how in love we were.

I broke the connection, jumping on top of him making both of us laugh.

I gave him multiple kisses on his face and he laughed wrapping his arms around my waist, hugging me tightly.

He rolled us over, being him on top of me with a hand in either side of my head, and kissed my lips multiple times too. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist pulling him closer to me.

He stopped with the kisses and looked in my eyes pushing a lock of my hair soflty behind my ear. I chuckled and when I stared into his eyes, I got instantly mesmerized in his gaze.

But when I broke the eye contact to Glace at the sky I noticed that the sunset already started and got excited.

"George! Look the sunset already stared started!" I said and he got off of me and I sat up straight watching the sunset.

He sat next to me and I leaned my head on his shoulder making him rest his on top of mine. He picked my hands, cupping them with his and placing on his lap, gently brushing his thumb on my hand.

I smiled and relaxed on his touch, enjoying the beautiful sunset. I looked around seeing the two couples looking at the sunset and cuddling.

I adjusted myself closer to George and he wrapped an arm around my waist, helping me getting closer.

I could smell his soft sent. He smelled so nice always. He was also so warm.

How can he be so warm always?

"Y/n." he murmured and I hummed still with my eyes glued to the sunset. He took a deep breath and looked down at me "I love you."

I gasped but smiled and kissed his lips. It was the first time that he had said I love you and as I felt the same I said "I love you so much Georgie!"

He kissed me again, this time more pationatly and in a manner of seconds our tongues got closer and twirled in sync.

I hugged his neck, leaning him down and he held down my back, holding me to not fall.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" he said in the kiss and I smiled widely, loving his childish yet super cute voice.

We broke the kiss and leaned our foreheads on each other smiling widely to each other.

This was perfect.


First of all, I love their relationship. I'm just too in love.

Second of all, I love their group friendship. I want this friendship so bad.

I hope you had enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next one.

Love you all!

Ps. Sorry if I made any errors.

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