Chapter 8

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you can check how i imagine Y/n's outfit in that foto.

sorry if you find any grammatical error

hope you like it



Me and Luna were at Hogsmeade to pick up our dresses to the Christmas Ball. Both of us had dates, I had Fred and she had Zabini, and we were pretty enthusiastic about it.

"I can't believe that the Ball is this Friday! Time flows!" she said looking at the dresses. I already chose mine, it's a dark blue with some sparkles and fairy sleeves dress. It's perfect. She picked up a light blue dress really beautiful. "I think this is the one!"

"You look perfect Luna!" I said smiling to her. She really looked lovely with that dress "Zabini will drool if only to see you with that dress!"

She laughed and went to pay for the dress. When we were back to our dorm, we leaned our dresses in our beds and went to Great Hall for lunch.

We sat down in the Gryffindor table and Zabini sat with us next to Luna. Since he became Luna's boyfriend, we started hanging out with him a lot more and we found out that he is not what we thought. He is cool so now sometimes he sat with us in the Gryffindor table.

"Hey princess!" Fred said to me when I sat next to him.

"Hi Freddie! Hi everyone!" I waked at everyone and gave Fred a little kiss on his check. He smiled and picked my hand under the table.

"Wait... Are you two a thing?" Lee asked observing our movements. I blushed and looked down at our hands.

"Well Lee, unfortunately not yet..." Fred responded making me look at his eyes with a curious look.

I smiled and looked down at our hands again. He had intertwined our fingers while brushing my index finger with his thumb. I glanced at him and he was talking with George.

We ate and went together to the Gryffindor common room. Zabini sat with Luna on his lap in a armchair, me and Fred sat on the couch with George next to me and Angelina next to him. We hang out for a while, laughing and talking.

"Y/n I forgot to ask you... What colour is your dress?" Fred asked me with his hand on my thigh.

"Dark blue, why?" I asked in return.

"Well, to find a tie to match with your dress of course!" Fred said smiling down at me. I nod and rest my head on his shoulder.

It was getting dark, and we decided to go sneak to the kitchen to go get some food cause we didn't want to go eat in the Great Hall. We ate together in the common room and after some moments I started to feel sleepy. I went to Fred's lap, laid there, and fell asleep. I notice he rested his head on top of mine and he had fell asleep to.


It was Friday which means Christmas Ball is tonight. In the Christmas Ball day, we don't have classes giving us time to get ready for the ball. Me and Luna decided to get ready in our dorm just the two of us.

"Luna can you pass me my dress please?" I asked her. She gave me the dress and I got dressed. When I turned around, I saw Luna looking at me with some tears in her eyes "What's wrong Luna?"

"Oh nothing! I'm just so glad that I have you in my life and you look so beautiful by the way!" She said with her tears going down her checks and smiling at me. I walked closer to her and gave her a hug.

"I love you so much Luna!" I said and tears started to form in my eyes.

"I love you to Y/n!" she returned "Well we should get going, they are waiting for us!"

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