Chapter 20

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Get ready!

Sorry if I made any errors

Hope you like it!

"Good morning!" Molly said when I reached the end of the stairs. I smiled and murmured a quick good morning taking a seat at the table.

Last night was a mess. I ended up fighting with Fred and sincerely, I don't think I want to be with him.

I loved Fred, and I still do but I don't know what I feel for George.

"Hey Molly?" she looked at me and nod "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, of course dearie. What is it?" she sat on the top of the table when I sat next to her.

"When did you felt in love with Arthur?" I asked looking at my hands while playing with my own fingers.

"Well, when we were sixteen, Arthur asked me out. I liked him for so long that I immediately accepted. Then when we started dating I immediately fell in love with him and he with me." she smiled at the thought of their love and I smiled to because of that. She looked at me and I looked at her "But why dear, did you fell in love with someone else?"

"I don't know. Me and Fred had a big fight last night and he said somethings and did somethings that I didn't expected. But I also had a moment with other boy, a boy that I liked since we first met. He was always so kind and gentle, but when I was already with Fred for some months he told me that he was in fact in love with me, which I found really sarcastic seeing that I loved him and he loves me now." I laugh at the end to defuse the tension and looked at Molly.

"Do you think you still like that boy? Do you think you are still in love with him?" she asked me with a clocked eyebrow.

"Well I don't know, I love Fred and I... I don't know..." I said glancing now at my hands once more.

"Do you love him or are you in love with him?" she asked once more making me frown my eyebrows "There are two different things. Love and being in love. When you love someone you care about her and treat her right and everything but when you are in love with someone you just forget about everything and always wants to save her from everything and everyone. You always want to see her happy and when she is sad you are sad to. They are really different but yet really similar, but being in love it's so much more powerful."

I looked at Molly now realizing some things.

I never was in love with Fred.

Its was always George.

Sure I loved Fred but I was never in love with him. I was in love with George since we met. And he is in love with me and I can't do this to Fred.

I need to break up with Fred!

"Thank you so much Molly!" I said with a bright smile on my face. I need to go talk with George!

I walked out of the kitchen, entering in the living room, when my eyes went wide at the sight of the person sitting on the couch.

"Hi Y/n!" Fred said with a soft smiled to me.

"Fred! I-" I started but Fred interrupted me.

"Listen. I need to apologize for last night. I was so wrong and I didn't mean to hurt and I just wanted to ask you for your forgiveness." he said in a breath really fast. I couldn't do that to him. I'm going to forgive him and break up with him because it's not fair.

" Fred, look I-" he cutted me off again.

"Please Y/n!" he stood up now really close to me. He caressed my cheek and I looked at his hazel eyes "Forgive me. I didn't mean to anything I said and did. Please forgive me."

"Ok..."i said forgiving him and a big smile spread on his face. He leaned down to me and kissed my lips tenderly but I didn't break it. He broke the kiss and hugged me on the waist making my head fall in his shoulder.

I looked in front of me and saw George standing there, on the other side of the room, looking at us with sad eyes. Our eyes met and he nod walking of. I wanted to go after him but I couldn't.

I broke the hug and looked at his face "I need to go to the bathroom."

He nod and I walked of to the direction where George went, checking before of Fred was looking. I saw George outside and walked up to him.

"So your just going to forgive him and stay with him? After what he did?" he said without taking his eyes off of him.

"It's more complicated than it seems." I said walking closer to him. He sighted and shoved me off.

"Really? Is it? Because it looks like your just to afraid of facing the truth Y/n." suddenly he started tearing up but didn't let any tear come down of his cheek.

"George, you need to understand I-" and then again I got cut off before I even finished.

"No! I know how you feel about me. I know that you are not in love with Fred. You never were. I saw the way you look at him, it's not the way he looks at you. And it's not the same way you look at me and I look at you!" he practically shouted making me flick. He got closer to me and grabbed my jaw gently making me look at his eyes.

"Do you wanna know the truth? FINE! I tell you the truth!" I said shoving his hand off "I love Fred ok! I really do." I said and watched him glancing at the growd "But I'm not in live with him. I'm in love with you Georgie."

I walked closer to him and rested a hand in his neck "I'm in love with you."

"Then why can't we be together? I'm in love with you and your with me so why this needs to be so complicated?" he said with a weak voice making my heart break. I petted his jaw while boughting his face closer to mine so that our foreheads were touching.

"Let's do this. Give me some time to break up with Fred. I don't want tk end up in bad terms. And then we think about us. Alright?" I said softly and he just nodded making a single tear fall to my jaw.

He cleaned the tears that had fallen to my cheek and jaw and kissed the top of my head resting his arms around my neck. I wrapped mine on his back and stayed there for a whike before we decided to go inside.

How am I supposed to break up with Fred?

I don't know but I'm gonna find a way. He doesn't deserv being with someone who loves other person. No!

I need to do this...

Finally, Y/n and George are almost together!

I need to say that my school has started this week and I'm not going be able to post everyday like I did on my Easter break but I'm gonna try and post as more as I can.

BTW thank you so much for the views!!!!


see you in the next chapter!

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