Chapter 19

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Be prepare for this chapter!

Sorry if I made any errors!


18th June 1995

"Angel! Wake up!" I heard Fred whisper while shaking me slightly to wake me up. I groaned and turned around leaving his lap. I buried my face in a pillow wishing he could just forget about it, but he hovered over me and kissed my neck "Come on, wake up... "

I got up, leaning my back on the headboard and rubbing my eyes. The light was to bright and I couldn't open my eyes for some seconds before I get used to it. I finnaly glanced at Fred and he was smiling at me.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked. I got closer to him and responded with a sarcastic voice "Well besides you waking me up without a reason I presume, it was great."

He rolled his eyes and let out a laugh before kissed my cheek. I shove him off and got up to find some closes to wear. He was already dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and an orange t-shirt. I put on one of his black t-shirts and a pair of shorts. I got on my slippers and before I got the chance to open the door, Fred picked my hand turning me around to face him.

"I have a suprise for you and you have to close your eyes." he said making my eyes went wide.

"Close my eyes and a suprise from you? This is another prank isn't it..." I said afraid to close my eyes. What was I expecting, I'm dating a prankster.

"No, just close your eyes. Don't you trust me?" he asked looking deep in my eyes.

"Yes, but you are a prankster and you are always doing pranks and I don't wanna be pranked." I said looking at my hands playing with the colar of his shirt. He nood agreeing with me.

"Fair enough." he looked at me and brushed my hair behind my ear. His hand came down to my neck with his thumb caressing my jaw. I look up at him and he gave me a lovely smile "You're so cute, did you know that?"

I leaned my head to rest on his hand and gave him a soft smile "Yes!"

He laughed softly and I smiled at the view of his smile. He turned me around and placed his hands covering my eyes. I closed them and he leaded me out of the room.

"Careful, stairs." he said making me trip in my own feet. He laugh and I crossed my arms on my chest "I told you to be careful Y/n!"

We continued and when he finally stopped making myself stop to, he whispered in my ear "Now, I'm gonna count to three. When I get to three, I'm gonna take my hands off and you're gonna open your eyes, get it?"

I nod and he started counting.




He finally said three taking his hands off and I opened my eyes.

"SUPRISE!" everyone said and a lot of confetti flew from everyone's wand. My mouth opened but I covered it with my hand "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

"Omg you didn't have to." I said and they came one by one to hug me. Everyone gave me a hug, except one person.


He looked at me asking if he could give me a hug. I nod and he got closer opening his arms. I wrapped my arms on his back and he wrapped his on my shoulders. I relaxed in his arms, resting my head on his chest.

I didn't hug George in a long time and I can't lie and say that I didn't miss this. I miss hug him and I miss being his best friend. We weren't closer because of what happened but I wanted that everything went back at how it used to be.

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