Chapter 3

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I placed my head on his shoulder and looked at the sun raising a little every second. He looked down at me, smiled and leaned his head on top of mine.

"- What are you doing up so early Y/n?" he asked with his eyes fixed in the sun.

"- I could ask you the same thing Fred." I looked up at him. He looked so relax with my presence, so calm. He looked down at me and smiled once his eyes met mine.

"- Did you sleep well?" he went to look at the view again, waiting for my answer.

"- Yes, you?" I continue looking at him. Fred was always the one with no limits, but right know something about him got me thinking. He looked charming with the sun light hitting his face...

"- Yes, I'm already used to George's snores so ...." I laugh and he smiled down at me. His smile was soft and delicate. I like Fred?

After a few moments of comfortable silence, he looked at me with a smirk on his face. "It's time for breakfast. Let's go?" I nodded, took his hand, and started running to the Great Hall. He was trying to get me while I was laughing and running at the same time. When we got there, a lot of students were already there.

"- Do you want to join us in the Gryffindor table to breakfast?" he asked me walking towers one of our friends, Lee Jordan. I nodded and sat between him and Lee.

"- Y/n Black! I missed you!" Lee said excited to see me. I've always liked him, he was also a good friend of mine. Like a brother to me.

"- Hey, I missed you to!" I went to hug him, he hugged me tightly and send a good morning wave to Fred. I started to eat when suddenly George and Luna came laughing to our table.

"- You guys can't believe what we saw!" George said laughing so hard that he almost fell to the ground.

"- What did you saw that was so funny?" Fred asked curiously. They explained the whole thing, but I wasn't paying attention at them. I was focused on Fred, his curious and excited faces were so cute. I'd never saw Fred this way. I mean, he was always just Fred. Something about him changed.

I cannot believe I like Fred.

"- Are you paying attention Y/n?" asked George smirking bringing me back from my thoughts. I blushed and murmured "yes" in response before continued to eat my breakfast. I noticed Fred's eyes glued at me from the corner of my eye.

When the bell rang, me and Luna went to DADA with Professor Moody.

"- Wow. Starting the first day of the year with DADA. Such an ironic thing, don't you think?" Luna asked, but I was thinking about Fred. I'm so confused about my feelings for him. I mean he is one of my best friends and I'm sure I like George but, am I starting to like Fred as well?

"-Luna can I ask you something?" Luna said yes and nod at the same time. I pulled her away from crowd in the corridors.

"- Do you think it's possible to like two people?" I was so nervous and so confuse at the same time. Luna looked at me, also confused and worried.

"- I don't know. Why?" I was worried about her reaction. She looked at me. "Y/n do you like two people?"

I was expecting her to ask me this, but I didn't want her to hate me cause I, probably, like two people.

"- Well, I don't know, I'm confused..." she looked at me and placed a hand on my back and smiling at me "Explain to me."

I explained to her everything and she listened to me carefully to not miss anything.

"- So...what do you think about it?" she wasn't saying anything but I could tell that she was a little confused. She was thinking about the correct think to say.

"-If I can be honest.... you should understand what you feel about Fred. I think you only have a little crush because both grew up during the summer, they had a glow up. And about George, from what you told me and from what I saw during the years since you two met, I think you truly like George and you should tell him." Everything looked so much easier for me after what she told me.

How was she so good at this?

I don't know.

We went to DADA class that went weirdly fast. Professor Moody was really weird and kind of scary. But at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about what Luna told me about the while thing with Fred and George, and maybe she is right. I like George for so long it's time to tell him and see what happens.

Maybe he likes me too?

Maybe not...

We will see.


this one is a little short but im working on the next already and is going to be long.

i hope you liked it!!!!

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