Chapter 5

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( I hope you like this one. im sorry if I did any grammatical errors)


Today is my date with Fred and I could't be more excited about it. I asked Luna to help me with my clothes. I was wearing black mom jeans, a blue shirt with a black jacket, my converse and my blue scarf from my house.

Fred would pick me up at 4pm to go to Hogsmeade. It's 3:55pm so I started to go out of the Ravenclaw tower. When I got to the door and open it, Fred was already there.

"- You look lovely!" he complemented me, and I blushed. He was wearing blue jeans with a red shirt a black jacket, his converse and a red scarf from his house.

"- You don't look bad to..." he let out a soft laugh and I smiled at how cute he sounded. He gave me his hand and I intertwined our fingers. "Ready?"

"- Yes, you?" he nods, and we started walking holding hands. It felt so normal like a feeling that we always did this. "So ... what do you have planned for our date?"

"I was thinking about getting a butterbeer at Three Broomsticks and then we decide what to do next. Does that sound good to you?" He replied looking at me waiting for my answer." its sounds great to me. We could go get some candys at Honeydukes ...." I said with puppy eyes.

"How can I say no to that cute face!" he said giggling caressing my check. I smiled and leaned my face on his hand.

"Well, you can't! Let's go!" he laughs, and we start walking to Three Broomsticks. When we got there, he let go of my hand to open the door for me. We entered and went to look for a table for us. We sat down on a table at the corner.

"Hi, how can I help you?" a waitress came to us with two menus. "We would like two butterbeers please." Fred said with a friendly smile. She nods smiling back at him and went to grab our butterbeers.

After some minutes waiting for our butterbeers the waitress came and gave us our butterbeers. I took a sip and accidentally I got a beer froth mustache. Fred giggle when he saw it.

"- You have something..." he said pointing at the place in his face. "Let me help you." he bought his napkin up to clean my face. Our eyes met and I got mesmerized in his hazel beautiful eyes.

He let out a nervous and shy laugh and blushed. I looked at my hands smiling and blushing.

We started talking about school and gossiping about the people in there. We laugh so hard and so loud that a lot of people where really angry and annoyed. We spend almost al, the afternoon at the Three Broomsticks. We were having so much fun that we didn't saw that was already kinda dark.

"Can we go to Honeydukes before going back to the castell?" he nods, and when I step out of the building, a cold breeze makes me shiver catching Fred's attention. "Are you cold?"

"A little yeah..." I said with a trembling voice he took of his jacket and putted it above my shoulders. "You're gonna be cold this way. I don't want you to ketch a cold!"

I'm not cold darling!" I blushed at what he just called me, and he smirk seeing my reaction. We went to Honeydukes and I bought two of each of my favourite sweets. We went back to the castell and he accompanied me to the Ravenclaw tower.

"I really enjoyed our date!" he said with a nervous smile looking at our hands with our fingers interlaced. I send him a comforting smile. "I liked it to!"

He let out a little sight of relive. We stopped at the Ravenclaw tower door. I turned around to face him. He looked at me with a lovely look. He had a precious smile, and his eyes were shining.

"Good night Fred!" I kissed him on his check, making him blush a little, turned my heels and entered in the Ravenclaw tower going straight to my dorm.

I need to tell Luna about everything.

When I entered the room only Luna was there. She was laying on her bed reading one of my books. She always liked my books, so she always reads them all. "I'm back!"

"Hey, tell me everything!" She said pretty excited about my date. Before going to my date, Luna told me that she wanted to know everything when I got back, so here I am, telling my best friend Luna everything about my date with Fred. "Oh my god, you two are so cute!"

"Well, he was so sweet and kind..." I blushed at the memory of Fred cleaning my face with his napkin and him calling me darling.... I let out a giggle and when I looked at Luna, she had felled asleep. I laid on my bed and after some minutes reading, I started to feel my eyes heavy. I closed the book and fell asleep.

"Dad?" I said trying to get out of a tiny and dark room.

"Sweetie, everything is going to be okay." My dad Sirius told me trying to relax. Suddenly I was in a forest. It was dark and I saw a full moon.

"Get out of here!" I heard a familiar voice yelling at me. I looked at the way that the voice came, and I saw my dad Remus, in his werewolf form, attacking George.

"Please Y/n! Help me!" I closed my eyes and when I opened them again the face changed and now was Fred. He had a suffering face and was yelling for help.

I opened my eyes brutally and I saw that I was still on my dorm. "It's was just a nightmare." I thought for myself. I was sweating and kinda shaking.

This summer I started to have this weird nightmare. They started when I break up with Cormac, my toxic ex. But this one was a little different. In this one I saw the twins being attacked by my dad. It was so weird and scary at the same time.

I needed some fresh hair, so I got out of bed, putted on my converse, a pair of sweatpants and a sweater that I found on my dresser. I got out of my dorm and went downstairs to the common room and got out of the Ravenclaw tower.

Deciding where to go I keep walking and walking until I got where I wanted to go. When I got there, I found someone sitting on the edge of the Astronomy tower balcony.

"Hey..." he said without taking his eyes of the stars. I sat down next to him and looked at the stars. "Hi..."

"So, tell me about your date with Fred." George said. I could tell that it was a little jealousy in his voice but I couldn't understand why. I looked at him and smiled. "It was great. We had so much fun! I truly like him, George."

I think so....

He did't looked at me, he nods looking at the stars. He looked kinda disappointed, annoyed and sad at the same time... 


i really liked this date. 

soon she is going to talk about her toxic relationship with Cormac don't worry

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