Chapter 15

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Uh oh...


I woke up in Fred's dorm with a big headache. Lee was sleeping in the floor along with the twins. I was the only one in the bed.

They must had passed out after me. I remember everything from last night, which is bad because I can't stop thinking about that make out session with George.

It felt so wrong and so right at the same time. Like I was supposed to kiss him like that but then I'm dating Fred and I love him. George was and always will be my first love. He was my first kiss.

Back in 4th year, George and I had a moment and we kissed. It was my first kiss and his first kiss to. But then we talked about it and decided to stay best friends like always. Since then our friendship grow stronger and closer.

I got up quickly when I felt getting sick. I was hangover and I always feel sick when I'm hangover.

"Good morning Y/n..." George said entering in the bathroom. He picked my hair, impeding it to fall and get all gross.

When I was finished he let of my hair and rested his hand on my back caressing it. I looked at him and smiled softly.

I got up to brush my teeth to get away from that flavor. George placed his hands on my waist to move me to the side. I shrieked at the sudden touch but immediately relaxed letting him move me out of his way.

He opened the bathroom cabinet taking out hangover pills, giving me one "You need to eat something before eat that." he informed. I nod and went to find something in the dorm to eat.

We bought a lot of food yesterday from the kitchen so there was some food still untouched. I picked up a cookie and sat on Fred's bed to eat. George picked up a waffle and sat in front of me, on his bed, eating it.

When we were done we toke the pill and stayed there just quietly talking waiting to feel a bit better from the hangover.

"Y/n, wanna go for a walk for fresh air?" George stood up and walked in front of me with and extended hand. I picked his hand and hit out of the bed. We checked Lee and Fred but they were still very asleep. We walked out and started walking around the Castel.

"Y/n can I ask you a question?" George asked making me stop on my tracks and turned around to look at him. I nod and he nod towers the door behind me. I looked at it and I recognized that door.

We entered in the Astronomy Tower and made our way to the end of the balcony. We sat there with our legs swinging and looking at the sun raising.

"Y/n, about yesterday..." George started, breaking the silence.

"You don't need to... It was a game." I replied looking at the view. I couldn't look at his eyes. I knew that part of me never stopped loving George. I never fell out of love for him. But I was with Fred and I love him and I can't do it.

"Y/n there was something more than just a game or a kiss." he said burning his eyes on my skin. I didn't looked at him trying to ignore his gaze, but I couldn't when he pressed two fingers on my jaw turning my head to look at his eyes.

His hazel eyes had sparkles of hope. I couldn't do it. I'm dating his brother. I moved on.

Am I still in love with George?

Do I really love Fred?

Of course I do love Fred, he is my boyfriend. And George... I love George but I can't do that to Fred. I can't.

"George look I-" I turned my hand to look at his chest, his hand falling from my jaw. I looked at him, he had his eyes staring at the floor with a disappointment look "Georgie I'm with Fred and you are with Angelina and she doesn't deserve to have you like this, liking other person. "

Where it all began| George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now