Chapter 26

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"And here we are, again." I heard Lee saying from behind me and George.

He stepped between us, resting both of his arms around each other's neck and smiling widely. He looked at George and took a breath of relief. "You finally got her bro. Are you happy?"

Lee was acting really weird, all laughing and smiling. I'm sure he's high.

"Yeah, bro. Are you high right now?" George responded chuckling and looking at Lee.

Lee straightened up, removing hir arms from our necks and turned around to face us.

"I am not high..." he started laughing uncontrollably. Me and George glanced at each other with our eyebrows up.

"Yeah, sweetie you're definitely high. Come on, we'll take you to your dorm." I said picking his wrist and moving his arm up my shoulders. I placed a hand on his waist and he immediately fell onto me.

George hurried to help me, since Lee was heavy and we both took Lee to his dorm, that he shared with George and Fred.

When we stepped into the dorm we walked to Lee's bed, laying him down to rest.

"Lee, you need to rest. Close your eyes and think of something you like. Or the person you most adore in life. Relax and enjoy your rest." George said tucking him in, while I was resting an arm against the doorframe. I smiled at how careful George is for his friends, specially with Luna and Lee.

He was always like this, he would care so much about everyone. He would definitely sacrifice himself for his family and his friends. And same with me. I think is something we have in common.

"Why are you smiling like that?" he asked, bringing me back from my thoughts. I looked into his eyes full of kindness and love. I got closer to him, placing my hands on his torso, pulling him closer.

I softly pressed my lips on his. He kissed me back, enjoying the moment. He picked my wrists gently, moving them to his shoulders and placing his hands on my waist.

I smiled in the kiss and slipped my tongue into his mouth, tasting every each of his mouth. He tasted like chocolate that he probably ate on the train. Our tongues met and an amazing electric feeling came through my body.

I tugged my hand on his hair, playing with his curls, and moving the other to his neck, carefully scratching it. He bites my lip, sending me more shivers down my spine.

He broke the kiss to start kissing down my neck, leaving more lovebites than before. I tucked his head back making him roll his eyes, from pleasure.

"George... We can't..." I said, out of breath. He squeezed my ass, making me moan, and broke the kiss slowly yet fast.

He got closer to my ear and whispered "We should go to Great Hall. Everyone is waiting for us."

He stepped away from me and opened the door. I adjusted my clothes, from the make out session, and walked with him to the Great Hall.


"So, Y/n, tell me everything. How are you with George?" Luna asked excited. I chuckled and stopped eating to tell her everything about our summer vacation.

"Omg, I wasn't expecting that, but I'm so happy for you two finally together!" she exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Yeah, I'm finally with the man I have loved since we first met." I looked over at the Grynffindor table to find George. He was laughing with his friends. His smile made my heart melt. He saw that I was watching him and when he turned around to look at my eyes, he winked at me. I giggled and continued eating my dinner.

Me and Luna talked about everything and anything while eating dinner. She told me that she was happier than ever with Blaise and she is almost healed about the trauma. She also told me that Blaises mother had divorced the man that has assaulted her and she could now have some sexual activities with Blaise, which she couldn't have in such a long time.

I was proud of her, really proud. I knew she was going to get through it. She is the strongest woman I know.

When we had finished we went to the Grynffindor common room with the twins and Blaise to hang out a little.

We entered in the common room and sat in the couches and the armchair. Me and George were on a armchair, me on his lap, Fred payed down on one of the couches and Luna and Blaise layed down cuddling on the other couch.

We talked about summer, school, what would we do after school. We had a great time, but we stopped talking when we heard a door of a dorm open.

The tall figure walked down the stairs, and layed down on the couch next to Fred. Fred rested an arm on Lee's waist and curled up with him.

All of us has our mouths open on confusion about what was going on. I looked at George, who was as confuse as I was, and cleared my throat to make them give me attention.

"Are you gonna explain to us or we are going to stay in ignorance?" I asked with a clocked eyebrow lolling at both, Lee and Fred.

"Oh yeah right, you don't know. Well Lee is pansexual you know that right?" I nod at Fred and he continued. "Well I found out that I'm not straight, I'm bi."

We all gasped and I almost started tearing up. I'm so happy for him.

"Well, we both have feelings for each other so we talked and now we are kinda dating." Fred informed us, while Lee had already fallen asleep. He was still recovering from the drugs that he took when he got here.

"Kinda dating? What is that suppose to mean?" Luna asked so confuse like all of us.

"Well, we just talked about our feelings and then we had things but none of us asked properly to date." I could see Fred's sad eyes but I was going to help him.

"But you want to date him, don't you?" George asked, almost reading my mind.

"Well yeah. I think I really like him. I mean I think he is the person." he looked at Lee, who was curling in his arms, and smiled softly.

Lee was definitely the love of Freds life. Even tho Fred loved me I know that Lee is something different, I can see in Fred's eyes.

" But how did that happened? I mean Lee wasn't with us during summer." George asked Fred with his eyebrows in a frow.

"Me and Lee talked l summer by letters and we would met in secret and it was in that moments that I had called in love with him." he explained still looking and Lee sleeping peacefully on his lap.

"I was feeling lonely when we broke up Y/n." he looked up at me with kindness in his eyes. "I stared talking with Lee more often and when we started meeting we already felt some attracted to one another. We admited our feelings and started meeting more frequently, just to cuddle and kiss and other stuff to." he chuckled running a hand through Lee's hair.

He was happy. I never saw Fred this happy before, not even with me. He found the one. His person....

I wasn't sure to put Lee and Fred together, but I ended up doing it and I'm happy about it.

I hope you had enjoyed this chapter and sorry if you find any erros.

Love you all and see you in the next chapter!!!

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