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"Hyung-ah~~ wake uppp i made you breakfast! Cmon cmon" jimin said bouncing on yoongi stomach as the older groans and pull jimin to smell the younger's scent "one minute.. lets just stay like this"

"-56. 57. 58. 59. 60! Hyung a minute us over cmon cmonnnnnnnn" jimin said squealing and trying to get free on his boyfriend's strong grip but sucks that the older is still stronger than him.. the younger squeals when the older suddenly pins him down unto the mattres and fit of giggles filled the room as yoongi showered the younger a kiss in every inch of his face until it landed on its lips

"Ew ew ew hyunv yuckkk No nooo bad breathh ewww" jimin pleaded but yoongi just furrowed his eyebrows "ah~ i see what it is now huh.. you dont want my kisses.. do you not want a min yoongi flavor?" Yoongi said grinning whilst jimin formed his lips into the thin line and shaking his head " now cone heree" the older said as he tickles jimin that made jimin's mourh open wide and rhe older smash his lips unto the latter..

After a min they pulled away they smiled at each other and exchange their good mornings... "hyung, i love you" jimin blurted out of nowhere and yoongi was stunned and his smiles disappeared,.. jimin's heart broke looking at the oldsr male's facial respond almost crying but he just smiled weakly

"Its ok.. maybe youre not ready.. the food must be cold.. im gonna go heat it up" jimin said pushing lightly yoongi into the top of him and closing the door behind him gently but he was crying on his way down.

Yoongi then left stunned on his bed.. its still early to process anything on his head thats why he is dumbfounded.. he just gripped his haid and sighed-

Yoongi then suddenly opens his eyes as the sunlight peak from hus curtains, he groans but then someone groans to his side then it hits him, time flies so fast and its 1 year when jimin left him and hoseok's girlfriend broke up with him knowing that hoseok cheated with yoongi by having sex with the older so yoongi took his move and courted hoseok and hoseok agreed to be boyfriends.. he sighed as hoseok snuggle closer to yoongi's naked body knowing the fact that almost everynight they make love.. this time its making love and not just by having sex

He couldnt hide the fact that he was the happiest man in the world by having hoseok to his side as he stares at their hands on each other and the ring found its real owner which is his current boyfriend hoseok, both big fingers and veiny hand.. he wonders why jimin's hands is so small and chubby and it looks like it was made for yoongi to hold-

"Good morning hyung" hoseok beamed at him and hugging yoongi. 'If jimin was here he will bounce the shit out of me-wait fuck no'

"Good morning hun.. we should get up and take a breakfast" and with that yoongi left the bed and go to bathroom to take a shower and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast..'if jimin was here, breakfast is ready and-' yoongi sighed.. why would he think of jimin with hoseok his love by his side... he just continue to cook untik the food was done and they both ate in silence until-

"Babe, im going to travel australia tommorow after" hoseok said and yoongi raised his eyebrows.. rhey were soulmates, they have the sams attitude... the most dangerous attitude to the both of them were Pride...

"I thought we already talked about this hobi? No more travelling u just stay here by my side" yoongi said and with that hoseok get up

"You.. said that and i didnt agree, you know since we were kids that travelling is my dream and im hoing tk travel the whole world with you or without you so you cant stop me " hobi said and walked out of the house and yoongi just sighed then continue to eat

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