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Me, tae, and jin-hyung are on the cafe eating chocolates...

Yes we are whipped for chocolates

"So? What's the reason why you call us? Its not that i am complaining but i have a fashion company you know? This should be important" taehyung asked

"Im sorry if i bother you guys..." i said with pout..

"No its ok.. i can even sell that company for you chim" taehyung says and we both giggled

"So, what is the real reason? C'mon babe.. tell momma" jin hyung says and i sighed

" i think yoongi hyung is changing" i said sadly

"Yeah, he gives you his black card like he never done before" jin hyung says

"No hyung.. he IS really changing.. he doesn't give me attention, he don't kiss me anymore like before.. he kiss me yes but only a peck... we made love but he didn't even kiss me... tomorrow is our 1st year anniversary yet we didn't even share bedrooms hyung.. he don't take me on a date.. its like 5 months ago when we had our last date.. he always glare at me and give me a cold treatment..he didnt even announce our relationship publicly in his company nor other friends.. all of his employee knows that he is a bi hyung... he didnt even introduce me to his parents... im his boyfriend hyung? How is that possible!???" I nearly shouted and i feel like im going to cry now..jin-hyung and tae sat on my both side and shush me

"Maybe show him that he should love you very much too" jin hyung says

"How" i say while fighting my tears

"Uhmm.. sometimes when i dont feel love, i asked kookie on a date and we end up fucking and i always told him "kookie lets make love, show me that you love me.. im not going to stop you so please show me how much you love me" and if he goes rough but gentle? It shows that he really loves you" taehyung says and jin hyung nodded too

"I do that to namjoon too.. and the end of the day he always says that he is sorry and i dont have any idea if how much sorry he was and everything always went fine... but ask yoongi to go a date with you ok?" Jin hyung says and i nodded

"When did it start by the way? Yknow? Yoongi hyung? Changing?" Taehyung asked and i kindly tell what happened

-flashback 5 months ago-

Me and yoongi hyung are dating for about 5 months now.. he always buys me ice cream and cuddle me when i want cuddles. But this past few days he is always at his phone...

"What!??" He shouted at the person he's talking on his phone and suddenly switch the tv on news


   'Fame news, the most famous south korean to be noticed by the world, the traveler and the vlogger who reached 30M followers now on his twitter account, Jung hoseok or called J-hope will arrive in the country at incheon international airport @10 PM after 10
years of staying in states. he said he will just stay for Few months in the country because he have a trip on palawan, philippines on his next travel vlog..."

then he switched off the tv and speedly run to his room to change clothes.. i followed him

"Hyung where going? Why are you moving like you are in a hurry?" I asked

"I AM in a hurry jimin so please no more question" he said while still changing clothes

"But hyung! I want to know!!" I shouted this time

"Did you just fucking shouted at me!?? Dont you put your nose in someone's business!! You are unbelievable!" He shouted back and i scoffed

"Someone's business! Hyung!! We are dating for 5 months!! You are not just someone and i am too.. You are my fucking boyfriend hyung!! You are the unbelievable!" I yelled back

"FUCK THAT BOYFRIEND!! YOU ATTENTION WHORE JUST MOVE! YOU ARE WASTING MY TIME!!"  He said and  pushed me to the wall.. i stumbled back and i hit the vase with my back... i glance at yoongi hyung who is now leaving..

When i heard the door shutted close i felt my fat tears are flowing.. i sobb this time.. i wailed and wailed until my eyes are become dry so no more tears are going to flow..

I cleaned the mess from the vase and sticth myself up from the wound i got.. i wrapped my hands with gauze and waddle to my room.. i locked the door and cry my eyes again..

I waited and waited that night.

But he didnt came back

-End of flashback-

"And he didnt even say sorry.. he just treat me good.. he cuddles me and buys me ice cream... but the other day again he was in phone again and when i make small noises he will just shout at me" i said while holding back tears

"I-im go-gonna k-kill him" jin hyung says while shaking

"Hyung why are you shaking?" I asked with puffy cheeks

"Jung hoseok"tae says nearly crying too.. and i stare both of them curiosity

"Its Yoongi's first love" jin hyung says while tears on his eyes... i widen my eyes at shock and let my tears flow.. i ran out of the cafe and drive home..

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