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I suddenly woke up from a sweet dream

(Chapter 1 to chapter 10 was all in jimin's dream)

I smiled reminiscing all that happens when yoongi hyung and i's love story before we became officially boyfriends...

I walked outside of my room and notice that yoongi hyung already left.. i was about to open the fridgw when i saw a sticky note in front

'I left for work earlier than i thought. And I'm sorry if went too rough last night... i left my black card on the mini bar near the green bottled champagne.. call taehyung and  jin hyung and go to shopping..'


I blush remembering thr previous moments las night.. and that is right again! When we were about 4 months dating, he asked me to move out with him and me, being the good boyfriend, i said yes... he bought us a penthouse at the five star hotel.. he said its better to live in a penthouse than his house....with me.... i actually didnt get what he says...

He spoils me a lot and fired me so that i will not be tired everyday.. thats what he says...

I walked to the living room and turn the tv on while munching a left over last night... its a drama and thr couple on the tv is going on a date happily on amusement park...

Amusement park..

Thats when a beautiful memory hits me again

-flashback when yoongi and jimin were dating for about 5 months-

"Yoonie hyyuuunngg~~" jimin called while yoongi is doing his work

"Jimin, please i am working" he said and jimin pouted.. yoongi glances at jimin and the latter was pouthing .. he sighs

"Ok what is it now?" He asked seriously and jimin just pouted even more and start to play the ring on his right hand. Still pouting

"I just want a date with you.. its last mont we had a date and you didnt buy me ice cream anymore" he said while looking down and still pouting.. yoongi cooed at the sight

"Then you wanna go to amusement park?" He asked

"Really!??" Jimin asked and his eyes lit uo with excitement

"Yes.. anything for my baby boy" he says and jimin blush at that

"And you will buy me a chocolate icecream?" Jimin says with doe eyes and yoongi nodded.

Jimin squealed and shower yoongi with kisses..

"Thank you thank you thank you!! And i love you!! I will change my clothes" jimin says and ran out of the office in their penthouse

-time skip-

The couple hold hands together.. they are smiling and laughing.. chasing and teasing each other.... they rode a lot of rides even carousel and ferris wheel.. bump cars too... they dance they play, they shoot balls in the ring to get tickets and exchange it with candies that jimin love

Yoongi shot 6 cans exchange of big teddy bear.. while jimin is squealing like a high school girl... yoongi bought jimin a cotoon candy and their last destination in the bench.. while eating chocolate ice cream

"I think this is the best moment of my life" jimin says while licking his ice cream

"How do you say so?" Yoongi asked doing the same

"Uhmm.. i dont know? Its just feels like everything was real?" Jimin says

"But everything is real tho?" Yoongi say furrowed his eyebrows while eating ice cream

Silence covered them until

"Yoongi can i ask? Is it D or is it L?" Jimin asked

"D or L?  Are you refering to D as Dark, Demon or Light, Love?" Yoongi asked and jimin shrugged his shoulders

"Well i choose D.. because Im a demon and My soul is dark.. thats why i love black " yoongi says and

"Light and love? Nah.. i dont need a light.. and love? I dont do love" yoongi says continue licking his ice cream

Jimin that time stop eating his ice cream and is on the verge of crying... he sat up and throw the ice cream in the nearest garbage can and yoongi is watching him curiousity

"What? I thought you can trade the world just to buy chocolate ice cream? Its favorite right?" Yoongi asked and jimin nodded

"Then why throw it?" Yoongi asked

" i saw a little bug on it thats why i throw it because its yucky... now its time to go home.. its late and you still have to work tommorow.." jimin says and dragged yoongi to his car..

As they came to arrive to the penthouse, jimin directly go towards his room and cry all night ... they dont share a room.. its just sometimes , like when they have sexual intercourse ...

-End of flashback-

I walked towards my room and grab my phone to call jin and taehyung to have our bottoms unite

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