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I woke up feeling dizzy from the scene last night.. i walked to the bathroom,..brush my teeth and. Wash myself ..

the House is so quiet so i guess yoongi hyung might be on his work already.. i ated breakfast and flop on my bed...

I suddenly remember its our 1st year anniversary 10/13/20... i smiled at the later event.. i will ask yoongi hyung to make love to me even what happened last night was not good between us

I grab my phone and video myself while decorating my room.. i bought thongs and lingerie.. i was beyond reaaally excited...

I wear the thongs and lingerie and wear a black hoodie of yoongi hyung... and wait for hours

-time skip-

Jimin was so excited because its their first anniversary and they should make it so special.. he was giggling about his outfit when he heard the door opened. He walked in living room and

He saw yoongi and hoseok making out

Tears are flowing on both of his eyes

Jimin watch as yoongi began to attack hoseok's neck and hoseok was a moaning mess already

"h-hyung this is not right it- Ahhh!!" hobi says while yoongi still attacking his neck and yoongi hit a certain spot

"Shhh shhh hyung will feel you good" yoongi says and wrecking hoseok's clothes...

"You are so beautiful.. we are going to make love shhh" he said and starts taking his clothes off too

He starts to palm hosoek and hoseok was a really moaning mess... 

"H-hyung n-nooo.. its not right.. this ahhh penthouse w-was be-belong to you and ji-jimin" he says while yoongi still plaming him.. he gently push her member to hoseok's entrance

"Jimin? Huh! I never ever loved him hoseok.. just only you.. only you" he started to thrust

"Its just a dare" yoongi says

He then slowlyly walked to his room and cry his eye out... those words yoongi just says...

He never kissed jimin with a pure love on his eyes...

He never praise jimin for being a good boyfriend

He never tell jimin that he is beautiful

He never made love to jimin, even jimin consider their sex as making love,... yoongi didn't

And last

Its just a dare

A fucking dare

How can he forgot that he wants to test himself that he can ignore the feelings on his chest and play with yoongi like yoongi is playing with him..he liked to prove himself that he is not weak.. that he is not in love with the older.. but in the first place, he knew was wrong.. he was blinded by love.. his love for yoongi

Sometimes, in love you can turn your eyes blind or you can be martyr..or stop being martyr and let go of the pain

But for jimin? He choosed to be martyr because letting yoongi go would be his biggest pain

-flashback 2months of jimin
working in company-

Yoongi is bored and just tapping his pen on the table until his press phone on his desk spoke.. he pressed it

"Sir....Mr. and Mr. Jeon are here and is asking if you are busy" his secretary jimin says

"Go tell them to enter and bring me 3 glass of beer" he says and stand up and sat on his mini living room in the right side of his desk..

Namjoon and jungkook sat with him with grin on their faces...and jimin is placing their beer on the mini table in front of them

"Please call me sir if you need anything" jimin says, bows and leave

"Your secretary had the ass" jungkook says while sipping on his beer

"Dont fuck with him.. he is a good person" yoongi says doing thr same

"Ohoy.... yoonhi hyung where are you?"namjoon teased and yoonhi just glared at him

"Wheres the heartbreaker and and the min yoongi's ice cold heart?" Jungkook teased

"Im here you fucking toddler" yoongi says

"I bet your dick was a good dick now.. i bet my limited edition mercedes benz car and i dare you to date your secretary for a whole year.." jungkook says

"I bet that wasnt a good idea"namjoon snapped

"Ogh cmon joon hyung.. dont be a pussy.. so call?" jungkook teased

"A piece of cake" yoongi says

They didnt know that they are a 4 group of person and the 3 who was drinking their beer and  1 for just listening and clutching his chest

Its jimin

Yoongi forgot to turn off his press phone on his desk...

-end of flashback-

Jimin cried and cried and cried silently on his pillow... how can he forgot his test!! He was supposed to avoid it and not to make it worse.. and now.. he is truly deeeeeeeeeeepppplllyyy in love with the older.. he wailed and sobbed until he reached 4 am....

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