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I froze like ice when i saw a man who's applying to be my secretary... i cleared my throat and we both looked away trying to forget the intense eye fucki- i mean staring competition...

he Is wearing a formal cloth.. w/c is black americana suit but the way he put his pants on, the pants hugged his thighs... i am busy eye fucki- i mean staring at him when he suddenly snaps at me.. i didn't notice he was already standing and showing his respect.. i cleared my throat again and sat infront of him

He gave me his resume and i read it

"Park jimin, 24 years of age Born in busan has a master degree for business and management--" The next info. Well, i just read it on my mind and agreeing with it with hum

"So"i suddenly cross my hands and put it on the table..

"Mr. Park jimin?"

"Y-yes" he answered.. i notice that he is nervous and maybe scared? Well im glad... people should fear me

"Why do you want this job?"

"U-uhm i wanted to support myself sir and secretarial was my dream even before i turn 18" he said and i nodded

"Well, are you a clumsy person? Because Mr. Min is not so fond of clumsy person" i asked.. he gulped and i feel him tensed

"A-ahm... u-uh i am a bit clumsy person but only when i am not focusing on my work and there is something bothering me but i promise if i got this job, i will always focus sir" he said.. 'this guy had the confidence that he will be hired tho' i thought to myself

"And what will you think Mr. Min and his company would benefit if he hired you?" I asked

"Well, i cant promise anything but i reassure you sir that that the company had the 100% loyalty and i will give my best to help Mr. Min to finish his everyday paperworks so that the company would always at the top" he says and gave me a warm smile.. his eyes turned into crescent moon.. he is so cut-

I cleared my throat and handback his resume..

"Well mr. Park, congratulations.. you got the job.. you will start tommorow 7 am in the morning sharp, a minute late would be deducted to yourpaycheck.. have a good day" and then i handed him my calling card so that he can save my phone number to his phone.. i walked out to the room and leave a heavy sigh and go back to my office to work

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