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Yoongi stare as the baby work his mouth unto his mom's nipple and the way jimin was shushing the baby and singing him a lullaby while cradling him. yoongi find it so......disturbing

in a sexy way....

he thinks jimin on that position with his son cradling and feeding him, for all the years he have seen the younger; this is the most sexiest and beautiful he witnessed jimin. and he travel unto jimin's collrbones and into his exposed thighs since he is wearing a shorts and-

jimin was about to talk but turns red when he noticed that the older is checking him out and he just cleared his throat.

" so erm... i-" jimin was about to say but yoongi interrupted him

"you look sexy like this" yoongi whispered to himself but jimin heard it and he blush more and more like when my mom slapped me

"but it doesnt changed the fact that you hid my son away from me for almost 3 years jimin. thats so selfish of you! dont even say im not his dad because i did DNA test on him!" yoongi growled and jimin lowered his head and yoongi widen his eyes when he heard jimin chuckled but when the younger lift his head and tears are gushing out of jimin's face

"selfish?" jimin said almost asking and then continue to laugh but still crying

"youre making me laugh yoongi. do you hear yourself right now? do you know how scared i was when i gave birth? do you know how many nights i broke down and thinking if deserve MY baby? do you know the pain when i labor for 3 hours in the fucking hospital? do you know how i f-feel whenver YOUR SON is crying on why he doesnt have a dad? huh? do you know he used to lock himself because kids are bullying him for not having a fucking father!? do you know how i feel when my son's only wish everyday on his prayer was to have his dada by his side and he promise that he will cherish and love you forever? h-he begged me m-many time yoongi! to let him meet you! but what were you doing? you are here busy fucking your fucking fiance!" jimin yelled and fortunately it wont wake up the baby on his hands since the baby was passed out due to crying

"and n-now youre calling me selfish? if you really cared, you have find me and search for me when i left that m-morning. i was waiting for you to stop me! to beg me to forgive you and tell me to forget and lets just start a new life together! if you would have done that, you are the first person to know that im a carrier and i can carry your fucking child! if you did find me at that specific time you woulve showered YOUR SON love! if you find me that time, you have fulfilled your role as his DAD! but no! you chose someone else. you chose fame, money, and of course hoseok! and now youre calling me selfish? you must be out of your mind!" jimin glared at him but still crying while guilt and shame filled yoongi's whole body

"if im a bad parent, i wouldnt let you meet my son! but i am not! i respect my child's needs and his rights! so i wont take away from you your role to be his father, but im doing this because of wooju and not for me or even for you so stay away from me. i dont care if you continue your relationship with hosesok but dont include my son in your business with your fiance. also i dont want him to grow up without knowing his dad. you can visit wooju in my house everytime you want im not stopping you. so excuse me im gonna go home" jimin then stand up with wooju in his hands and then go out of yoongi's office leaving a dumbfounded yoongi.

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