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i choked on the air when he said those words..

"N-no" i said

"No? so you are not into guys?" He asked and i widen my eyes

"No.. No! I mean yes!!.. ah-ahm i-im into guys b-but a-are you sure you want to court like to be your boyfriend in the future!?? A-and A-ahm are you not playing with me!! And dont use word courting because it sounds like im a girl!" I said

"I didnt know you can rap like that... and im dead serious and ok.. i like to hit on you" as he said that, i widen my eyes

" y-you l-like tt-to hit me!!!? "I said and he sighed..

"Havent you date before? You didnt know the word hit? Like "oh, that guy was hitting on that girl" or somethin?" He asked

"O-oh i see... uhmm yeah i didnt date before" i said in embarrassment

"There's nothing to be ashamed of it, can i hit on you?" He asked again and i feel myself throwing up because of nervousness...

I looked away and spot the clock hanging on the wall and yoongi- hyung says i'll go on the mall sight's project before 1 pm.. and its already 12:40..

"Look!! Its 12:40!! I will go to the sight Sir!!" I stand up and bowed to him but my forehead bumps into the table and i drop my bag.. i was about to grab it but my forehead bump on the table again.. i rub my forehead and grab my bag and runs to the door

-time skip-

The yesterday's event was so tragic for me.. i didnt sleep last night and i feel all my brain cells were missing..

"Like you've said, You are totally clumsy when you are not yourself or something's bothering you" i suddenly jolted when i heard a deep voice.... i look at the owner of the voicr and i saw Mr.Min

"Uhm yeah.. you are bothering me" i said

"Why are you bothered by a handsome man like me? Its a privellege yknow" he said and i chuckled

"You are so full at yourself" i said

"If you wanna know my answer about you hitting on me then take me to a date later!" I said happily

"Really? Where you wanna go?" He asked

"Well? Surprise me" i said and we walked to elevator

We were only the person in elevator that time but when we reached 21th floor, there are many passengers.. so i kinda push myself a back because thry are squeezing me.. but then

Mr. Min face his chest on me so my face was resting on his chest and i look up to him.. we are staring at each other until our breath was both hitching... FML! Our breath was mixing!!

(Other passenger on the elevator cant notice them because they were in the corner in the back)

'Is he gonna kiss me!!!?? I dont want my first kiss to be in a damn elevator'  i mumble to myself and close my eyes...i feel him smirked and lean on myears

"Eager are we baby boy? Meet me at the lobby 6pm sharp.. dont be a minutes kr second late or i will punish you" and he licked my earlobe and i try myself not to moan... he pull out his face my my neck.. he winked at me and go out of the elevator..

I gulped and collapse on the floor..i look at my tent proudly standing up..

"This is my 6th time today"

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