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Im already working as Mr. Min's secretary for 2 months now.. he never EVER raised his voice at me because he know that i fitted this job because i always pass my works in time and always arrange his everyday schedule so he can sleep...

That's why i learnt that he loves sleep so much... besides of sleep, theres his one hobby.... he do it almost everyday none other than


Its not that im complaining but i Am really complaining because

1st, My desk is in front of his office

2nd! His office is not soundproof

3rd! His door was just a glass!!!!

I can see everything he is doing while fucking woman or even a man!! And last but not the least!!

4th!! Almost everyday i handle my wewee's problem!! And that was gross and tiring!!...

I just sighed then i was startled when Mr. Min's office's door suddenly open and there he is, shouting at a girl wearing a furr on his shoulders and she had a skirt and fitted crop top and wearing heels

"I told you to get out nayeon.. im done fucking your pussy for the 3rd time and im almost disgusted by it.. its fucking loose.. not get the fuck out" Mr. Min says and the girl cries and just run..

I stared at him with disgust and 'you are unbelievable' look and he just raised his one eyebrow and look at me from head to toe , he was about to enter but his head was meeted by his glass door.. i quietly chuckled at that then he looked at me and rolled his eyes and entered his offixe again

"What an attitude" i say

"Today will be a long day" i said and continue to work

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