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Today is my interview to be secretary on Min Co.!! Im excited yet nervous.. i start take a shower, eat, grab my things and head out... i took a bus to arrive in my location.. i step out of the bus and i stare the tall building with awe.. i decide to stop drooling at this building and went inside.. i then asked the girl on the lobby

"Hello, goodmorning.. i was wondering if" i stop for a bit and grab the card the man gave me yesterday

"If kim namjoon works here?" I asked

"Ah yes sir.. he is the director and head of finance here.. how may i help you?" She asked

"Ohh um.. he told me i can have my interview now? secretarial position?" I said unsurely..  what if this namjoon guy is scamming me?

"Oh lemme check for a moment.. please wait a bit sir" and she start to call namjoon's secretary

"Oh yes.. yes thank you" the girl hanged up

"24th floor is Mr. Kim namjoon's office's location... goodluck for your interview!!" She smile

"Thank you" i said and leave...

I start to walk to elevator and surprisingly i was just alone inside.. i pressed the button 2 and 4 and wait until i reach mr. Kim namjoon's office

I saw Mr. Kim namjoon walking on the hallways

"MR KIM!!" i shouted  he glance at me and smiled.

"Glad you came mr?"

"Jimin! Park jimin"

"Oh nice to meet you jimin, your interviewer is waiting at the 26th floor..  goodluck!" He says and leave.. i furrowed my eyebrow

'He said he'll interview me today' more like i whispered to myself.. i shaked my head and go inside the elevator and press the 2 and 6 number and wait....

I walked outside of elevator and saw 2 rooms.. there was a lobby and 1 receptionist too, the girl on the reception area looks like in her 30s... when you look far away, theres an secretary desk in the corner of the hallway... i walked to receptionist

"Hello good morning sir! Do you have any appointment with Mr. Min?" The girl receptionist asked while smiling

"U-uhm i have none miss, but Head of finance told me that my interviewer was on this floor" i said while rubbing my neck

"Oh! The position of Mr. Min's new secretary...My name is elena and i'll walk you to interview room" she said and grab my shoulder a bit and we started walking

"So, what is the reason why you want to be Mr. Min's secretary??" She asked

"So are you my interviewer now Ms. Elena??" I giggled

"Yes and you are hired" and we both giggled while walking

"Actually im just a fresh graduate and yesterday i went out for job hunting but all of the company i went to, doesn't accept me. maybe its a hassle cause you got to teach newbies on how to do their work that's why they don't hire. and yesterday i bumped into Mr. Kim, he heard my conversation with the manager whom i was talking to and then offered me to have interview for this position. so if i answer your question ma'am elena, i want to be Mr. Min's secretary for experience" i said and we both smiled

" wow impressive, you're really hired! but warning only okay? if you think you entered a training field that filled with flowers and stuff, you are wrong because you just entered hell my darling" she said and open a door to her right

"Sit and wait for the interviewer.. goodluck darling" she winked and leave

I walk to the chair and sat.. and start to play with my fingers... few minutes passed the door opened and i widened my eyes

"O-oh" i say and look at the man's eyes

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