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That night, Yoongi brought jimin to a picnic near han river and watch fireworks together.. they spent almost their time working while always glancing and smiling to each other and now, Jimin is  at the front of his house waiting for yoongi to come..

Yoongi promised a late night date to him because they had date last week and they are both busy in the company so this past few days they cant give each other time.. well, they dont have al label yet but yoongi is already posessive about him...

"there was this time that the Min empire and other company allies had a meeting.. they are from the Park enterprises... the CEO of the company was named by Chanyeol..

Yoongi saw Chanyeol and jimin giggling with each other in the hallway before meeting starts... he tried to ignore the feeling growing in his chest

Anger, and jealousy... but when chanyeol pulls jimin's small waist to a hug.. there

He lost it

He walked to the dirrction of the latter, He then grab chanyeol's collar and threw him to the wall and grab jimin's wrist and pull him into his offixe to pin him to wall and attack his neck

Jimin is already a moaning mess.. he whimpers then moans.. vice versa.. but then yoongi pull out his head on jimin's neck

"Now this mark shows who you belong to....Dont you fucking dare flirt with that scumbag in front of me or i will skij him alive.. whether you accept to be my boyfriend or not, you will always be mine unless i am done with you" he warned with deep voice that sent shiver down to jimin's spine... he then walked out to his office and left jimin catching his breath..."

Jimin just chuckled on the memory how possesive yoongi can be.. he. Is not complaining.. he thinks its cute..

Sure.. chanyeol have the bod, the wealth, the face, the attitude and manners.. but it doesnt change the fact chanyeol is--

Jimin's mind halted when he heard a car honk and yoongi got out of it.. wearing a black tuxedo while he is wearing a tight jeans, loose blouse and and black boots with heels..

They both eye fuc- i mean stare at each other when jimin suddenly clears his throat...

-time skip-

Yoongi planned their date on a fancy restaurant and he wants it on the rooftop.. so here they are, at the rooftop or shoukd i say like penthouse with a huge fancy balcony

Theres a red table, candles, and wine on it.. rose petals scattered on the floor and music playing on the background and a huge piano in the corner of the room...

Yoongi is playing the piano for jimin while jimin is staring at him with full love..

"This is wrong" jimin thinks inside himself

And that is right... it is definetely wrong

He came to work to be secretary to handle his big job offer in the future.. to test himself... but now...

He iss going to test his heart too.. will jimin can change yoongi's mind? He is going to give his yes to yoongi and he hopes its a worth shot..


After yoongi play piano for him, they ate and talk their likes and dislikes.. and after that they dance

Yoongi offer his hand and jimin gladly took it... yoongi's hands were wrapped around jimin's small waist while jimin's were wrapped around yoongi's..

Their heavy breath is mixing and their foreheads are on each other while slowly dancing to the song "thingking out loud" by ed Sheeran

When the music died, yoongi took jimin's hands on his and kiss its knuckles.. jimin blushed at the sudden action

"Park jimin, the most beautiful human and have the most beautiful eyes.. will you be my boyfriend?" Yoongi asked and jimin almost teared up that time

"Yes" jimin says and yoongi smiles widely and grabbed jimin's waist and kissed him passionately.. jimin wrapped his arms around yoongi's neck and deepen the kiss... yoongi suddenly pull out from the kiss and show a box to jimin

"Jimin, my boyfriend" they both giggled

"This is a promise ring.. i bought it a long long time ago.. please take the responsibility to be a good boyfriend and wear this" yoongi says and jimin chuckled at the moment and offer his right arm..

Yoongi slipped the ring into jimin's hands and jimin do the same.. yoongi grab jimin's waist again and kiss him.. this time, jimin let out his hot tears.. the tears was like a faucet on his eyes... it cant stop flowing..

He cant understand himself... his heart was full of Happiness, glee, Sadness, loneliness, and of course disappointment..

He know he is just fooling himself but he have to try removing this feeling he have for the older... but he knew he cant

He wish all of this were true.. all thing between him and yoongi was Love



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