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I widen my eyes when i saw a toddler snuggling with my thigh and gasped and stumbled and stepped back that results my butt crated a thud at the ground

"Wh-WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!? LEAVE ME ALONE!" i yelled and pushed the kid off my leg that resulted him to be pushed a bit and landed on his butt not so soft. The door automatically closed the fact that i stumbled down and there's no one holding it and so the fact rhat its almost 12 i guess my employees got home already and cant hear my yells specially my office is now soundproof.


I exited my conversation with myself and looked at the child with his arms leaning on the ground and slowly sitted down appropriately and hug his knees and sob loudly i widened my eyes and panicked

"L-look here kid. Aist.. what's wrong?" I approached the kid and he let out a much louder cry that irritates my ears but i took a deep breathe and looked at the ceiling thinking wheter i will kick this small human figure to my office and continue working on so many fuckinf paper works. I sighed and gripped my hair and walked to the child and lift him by scooping him up and walked to my swivel chair with a crying kid on my arms and lap

"Mr. Is sorry.. im sorry i pushed you, please stop crying now shhh~" i cradled the child as he sniffles to my clothes and i can see snots i just sighed keep cradling him as he looked at me with red puffy eyes and his cute little lips wobbling i frowned thinking hard if i had seen this kid before

"Why p-poosh mi?" The kid said and pouted and I SWEAR I HAD SEEN THIS FUCKING KID BEFORE!

"Mister is sorry baby hmm? Mister was just startled baby" i said and comb his hair with my fingers

"W-wat ish stalded?" (Startled) he looked at me with so much confusin and titl his head and i chuckled

"Youre so cute.. uhm well startled means surprised! Like when you are walking and a bear suddenly pops in front of you" i said smilingly looking at the kid. Im not into kids but this little one had effect. He definitely look someone i know? Maybe a cousin? Or relative?

"Ooh! I know know hihi like like like like mami staled me when mi ish hab bithday and and and moma show wid a yellow duckie cake!" He giggled and i found myself giggling

"Okay listen to me." I said and he nodded and i cupped his fluffy cheeks

"Its almost 12 am now baby, where did you came from? Are you an old lady's son? Or grandchikd?" I asked cuz i think the kid is a baby of one of my employee who is a janitress in my floor

"Hm? Moma is no a grand. Moma pretty and nad nad like a baby!" He smiled hyperly and i sighed

"How did you come here then? And where is mommy? Hmm?" I asked and i lean my back on my swivel chair while the kid is sitting on my lap now facing me his back at my desk and he just pouted

"Mama ish angwy at baby :(  mama sh-shout and and i no wike shouties and and and i mama no wub me no mole becush momi don wike me ish met my dada" he said and i frowned

"How did you get here?" I asked and he cried suddenly that left me shock and pat his back and hug him until sniffles are only heard. I cant understand his words so i do connect dots instead and my braincells are hurting because of the baby talk

"Why did you cry again? Does mama hurt you? Is mama a meanie person?" I asked and he shooked his head

"Then why are you crying? Tell mister" i said and he sniffled

"D-da doggy" he said and and wailed again and i sighed and i stand up and put his batman backpack on the floor and starts to put my arm at the bavk of his neck and leans his chin on my chest and starts to cradle him shuching him and kissing his forehead

"Shhh its okay. Theres no dog here hmm? Shhh~" i shushes him and a hiccups were heard and after few minuted of cradling him, i sat him on my table

"Dont move okay? Mister is gonna get you a water and if you will move you will get a boo-boo, do u want a boo-boo?" He shooked his head with his puffy eyes... cute... i smilrd at him "so dont move okay?" I said and he nodded "what a good boy" i said and kissed his cheek and got him a glass of water at the corner of ny office where my dispenser is and sat on the swivel chair and sat him on my lap again bringing the tip of the glass on his mouth and putting it to my desk

"So why are you crying about doggo?" I asked and wipe his tears

"Babi ish walk in steets and and and the dogie bark and woofe at mi very loud and got mi scared" he says and i chuckled at how cute he is crying over a dog

"Mister will protect you from dog now hmm? Just call me whnever theres a dog and i will woof at it too" i said and he giggled

"Can you tell me what is your name baby?" I said and he smiled and nodded

"M-my neym ish p-pak wooju!" He said and giggled

"Pak?" I frowned and he nodded

"Yesh pak ... pallllkkk" he said and i oh-ed my mouth

"Ohh... park, you silly cutie" i said and he giggled

"Yesh palk.. my neym ish palk wooju" he smiled


"And and and mi dada neym m-min yoonie!" He smiled and my smile faltered


"And wook! Gib mi batman backypacky pwetty pishh!" He said and i gave him his batman bag on the floor and he excitedly opens it and showed me his stuff toys

"Hele chim his neym" he says and showed a bt21 stuffy named chimmy

"Its chimmy baby" i said and he shioked his head

"Ish chim! Mama says chim becoz ish my mama favorite stuffie from you dada" he smiled and i widened my eyes and snatched the stuffie on his arms and scan it and found a date at the back of the stuffie and i looked at the child with wide eyes and a hard beating hard, i looked at the child's eyes and put both of my hands on his shoulder

"Wo-wooju... can you tell m-mister whats mama's name?" I asked while feeling the sweat beginning to form to my forehead and neck eventho the AC is on.. i gulped praying my senses are right

"Mama is my mami's name" he smiled and i snuck on my breathe

"But mama sey neym is chimin but i say his neym mama" he said and pouted and i can feel my limbs and muscles jiggled and my eye flickered and i am out of breathe and i didnt realized tears are blurring my eyes and a sob left my lips and i lift wooju and sat him on my desk and hid my face on the kid's neck smiffing his scent and now i know that this is jimin's i sobbed more and i can feel a small pat and a smal hand caressing my hair

"Dada ish cwy" wooju says and i can feel he is pouting

"Ish wooju bad baby" he pouted and i raised my head and smiled at him

"Of course my baby is not a bad baby. You are the most special and good baby in the whole world" i said and scooped him up and while walking, i shower him with kisses and walk to my phone on the mini table near the sofa and called someone

"Jungmin, i want my house to have a room for a child age-" i stopped talking and asked wooju what us his age and he says three with 4 fingers up and i chuckled and what his favorite cartoon

"Yeah age of 3 and a bt21 chimmy theme. I want it as in tomorrow. And tell martin order me a boxes of chimmy plushies, batman toys and lots of toys for boys. I expect it to be in my house and im going home now" i said and cutted the call

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