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After Mr. Min incident yesterday, i mean when he bumped his head on his door, maybe his brain cells got shaken???

When i arrived at my desk there is a purple bouquet i spotted

"Have a great day jimin-ssi.. please keep and smell this flowers i bought you when you are alone or sad.. i just want to remind you that i can always br a friend or more than a friend to lean on ;) ."

-min yoongi

I cringed at the words but i cant feel myself smiling and giggling while feeling those stupid butterflies on my tummy.. i then accidentally look at his door w/c is in front of my desk and saw him smiling at me

'he has a fucking gummy smile'  i mumbled to myself and looled away when i felt my cheeks heated

(Their both desk were facing each other, the only barrier was the glass door and the distance)

I sat on my swivel chair

"stop you idiot! What is this!! I have a crush on him but i dont think i love him already!! Stop! Stop! Stop!" I whispered shouted when my heart wont stop beating fast.. then i suddenly startled when the pressed phone on my desk speaked

'I can hear you jimin-ssi, maybe if you elaboratr your feelings to me right now i will just give you advice to be mine already' he said

"U-uhm.. im talking too-- my dog! Yes to my dog!! I have a picture of him here sir. Bye!!"

I said and i feel myself will explode in very next moment..

-time skip-

I checked on my phone and its nearly 12 PM.. i bought the word 'courage' from my head and drag my feet to Mr. Min's office

"U-uhm s-sir, i was about to go out for lunch.. may if i ask if you want me to buy something when im on my way back" i said

He checked his watch and stand up... grab his coat (lmao he is on a fucking chaleco) he then Grab my hand, intertwined them and look at me

"Lets go princess" he said with deep voice.. i blushed at the word and keep my head low while walking.. people are starting to gossip about ou hands that intertwined.. i was about to pull my hands but he gripped it with more force..he then leans at me and whisper

'Dont worry angel, i got you' he says and smirk..

'Why are you acting so weird Min yoongi?'  I mumble to myself

-time skip-

He brought me to a restaurant in front of the company.. "the pink resto"

'Maybe the owner is too whipped for his daughter' i said to myself

We entered to the retaurant and plopped on the 2 chair, sitting in front of each other near at the window..

"Good morning sir, my name is haneul.. i will be your waitress for today.. do you like to order now sir? " haneul, the waitress says and yoongi smiled..

Yeah he smiled

Wait what!??? He smiled???!!! Is he not feeling well!?

"Yes hello goodmorning too" yoongi says and what the fucking cow! 'Good fucking morning!!?? I thought elena says he dont greet!?? Is he bipolar or something!??' I thought to mysef

"Jimin-ssi, i asked you what dyou like to eat" Mr. Min asked me

"Huh? Uh.. i want a 2 slice of cake and just  strawberry smoothie" i said and the waitress just bow and leaves

"Mr. Mi-" i was about to ask him a question but there is one guy snap me

The man has the widest shoulders on the earth's surface.. he has a plump lips and he is tall, and well.. he is pretty

"Yah yoongi!! Its good you visited" thr man says and he and Mr. Min exchange hugs while i slowly. Stand ul

"Yeah, i have accompanh now.. he was hungry so i accompanied him" MR.Min says while pointing at me

The man suddenly squealed like a teenage girl and pinch my cheeks!!

"Ohmygod!! Arent you so cute?"

"Jimin, park jimin.. please just call me jimin sir" i said to him while he is still pinching both of my cheeks

"What sir? You call me mother queen" he says 'ahh gay' i thought to myself

"Yah yoongi-ah.. dont you hurt this little bean over here or i will cut you dick off.. he is now a part of my child league.."the man says

"Child league?" i asked

"Yes darling.. only few people can enter..i am your mother now and thats why you are lucky you are cute because you inherit your beauty face from your mother.. which is me.. now lemme introduce myself, as the king of my life kim namjoon interpret his queen, lady, princess, empress kim seokjin which is me... my name is kim seokjin and now you will call me mom.. no more buts and go sit your beautiful ass there darling.. momma have a work to do.. do great at your job smol bean ok? Momma will be back later" he said and i just stare at him with wide eyes..

he grab my phone on my pocket and typed his number "call momm if you need anything ok? Arent you so cute!?? You are my favorite son now.. but dont tell taehyung ok? Bye love" he kissed the top of my hair and leave..

I stand there frozen then mr. Min guide me to sit again

"If you are gonna ask... he is kim seokjin, the head of finance kim namjoon's fiancee.. he also owns this place and you are wondering why he likes pink . Well he is a bottom....he will start to bug you now because he said that he love you more than his other son tahyung" Yoongi-hyung says

"But i dont even know taehyung!!!" I whined

and he just  chuckled at me


He chuckled!!


i snap my head at him and place my hand on his forehead

'He is not burning tho' i mumble at myself and plop back to my sit

"Mr. Min-"

"Yoongi hyung.. just call me yoongi-hyung" he says and i gulped

"Y-yoongi-h-hyung..uhmm are you dying or is it the end of the world?" I asked and he just chuckled

"Whag do you mean?" He says while smiling..i almost cum at the sight

"Y-you were acting di-differently especially to-towards me" i said

"Jimin?" He says and i gulped

"Y-yes Mr- Yoongi-hyung?"

"I would like to court you"

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