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"the photoshoot of the bed will be next on the line sir. i want to confirm from you if what color is it in your mind is the best to advertise the furniture sir." martin said as he handed the magazine that will be out in the launching and stares at the different color

"i think the best color would be yellow" he says and handed the paper back to martin. if he says yellow, the bed and the curtains of the set would be yellow themed and jimin will also wear a yellow

so here he is right now in his office with a lose necktie as works are piling up and good thing the shoot will begin at night and his son is currently in Jimin's care who cried a lot from being separated from him. he smiled until a figure entered his office

"hey baby" he says and was about to kiss hobi but hobi stopped him

"why didnt you tell me you have a child with jimin" he asked sternly

"look, i just also found out yesterday. no need to be harsh on me" yoongi sighed and raise his hands in defeat

"y-yoongi.. im scared" hoseok said and starts to cry and yoongi stands up and hugged hoseok and put him in his lap

"why would you be scared?" yoongi says as he pat hobi's back

"I'm such a family wrecker.. y-yoongi i-I'm sorry.. i didn't mean to. i can sacrifice for the child please go back to jimin. think about your child who will grow up in a broken family" hoseok says and continue to cry 

"hobi.. i know you didnt mean this" yoongi sighed and hoseok wiped his tears

"yoongi no.. please.. im not happy anymore because theres a child in here yoongi. lets not be selfish anymore and think about this" hoseok says and yoongi sighs and nodded and then he grab the back of hoseok's head lean his lips into the latter and the door suddenly open revealing jimin and wooju on his hands

"DADAAAAAA" wooju yelled and wiggled in jimin's grip but jimin just walked out with a crying wooju in his hands

jimin felt loss right now. he cant hear his son crying out for his dada and all he hear is his heart beating fast.. too fast that he cant breathe and it hurts and he felt dizzy. he didnt know he reached the lobby of the building and theres chanyeol who was about to enter

"t-tata channiee!!!" his son wailed and jimin have no strength left and he put wooju down who hug his tata chan

"why my babii is crying hmmm? " chanyeol baby talked the child and crouch down to his level while wiping the child's snot and tears

"m-mama is being meanie agwain" wooju says and sobbed 

"okay okay stop crying. come here baby.. i will put mama in time out" he says and and lift wooju up and faked his facial expression being angry

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