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I live in apartment at seoul.. i just graduate so i need to find a job immediately. I was applying for being a manager at a famous hotel but they say they don't need a new manager in that time until i bumped into someone

"Oh im sorry" i said.. but i am confused when the man didnt utter a word.. i look at the man in front of me and then i feel all my joints hide cause of shyness..

Damn this man is like a giraffe.. did his mother is a giraffe and his father is a human? Is it human or angel? Pshhhh

"I heard you were applying for a job" he asked

"Uhm yeah, but they say they cant hire in this moment.. and they don't need one" i said and sigh

"Do you want to be a secretary in Min Co.? We need to hire a new secretary immediately" he said and i widen my eyes

"MIN CO! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!! that's the most prestigious company here in korea! i didn't applied because im stil new at work and maybe i thought my skills are nothing for min co:! but look here now WATER DI ODDS!?" i talked to myself

"Hello, you alive?" the man said and i bring back my eyes on him

"y-yes.. and M-MIN co.?!! Yes i would love too!!" I said as he smiled

oh his dimples are so cute!

"Ok, this is my number, i will not interview you here now.. you can have your interview tomorrow" he said and handed me a paper then go out of the hotel.. i went home with glee.

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