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Today, i will have my 779th secretary.. i wonder how The new hired recruited secretary of mine will last...1 day? 1 week i knew it.. 1 hour. if he is annoying im gonna cut his balls... i just talk and talk to myself until someone knock on my door

"Come in" i said .. i heard a metal thing being dropped and thats when i saw my doorknob is already broken...

"Kim fucking namjoon, that's 50th knob you broke since last week.. i swear im gonna fire you" i said sternly

"But all i have to do is to touch them" he whined

"Dont fucking care.. just call elena that i  need to fix my knob.. and why are you here?" I asked

"Oh uhmm.. the applicant for the position of being your secretary arrived... Elena and i will interview him at the interview room.. i just want to inform you" he said

"I will be the one who will interview him" i said

"Oka- ah wait what??"

"Dont make me repeat my words.. for the last years you pick my secretary they were clumsy as fuck as you" i said standing up fixing my clothes.. i leave my office and walk to the interview room .. as i soon open the door


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