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Hehe I'm back


"yeah why i-is that hmmm~" jimin panted as yoongi attack his neck that is now full of hickey. and yes they're still at the kitchen with Jimin's back on the kitchen counter and his legs both wrapped into yoongi's as the older caress his ass for support.

yoongi then starts to remove Jimin's polo and jimin wriggled

"y-yyoongi! stop! what are you doing!" jimin tries to push away yoongi who was now staring at Jimin's chest with a dumbfounded look.

"yoongi! dont s-stare like that! let's stop, this is not funny seriously i don't like this." jimin said as he covered his chest and avoid yoongi's look. yoongi just smirked and then put Jimin's hand at his back.

"you tell me you don't like this but look at your chest" yoongi said that made jimin bite his lips and look at his chest with wide eyes and back to yoongi who was now smirking like a fool

"jimin they're perked and look" yoongi said he lifted jimin and now sitting at the counter as yoongi hugged his waist drawing him closer and his face closer on Jimin's swelling chest that made jimin flush red looking at both of his nipple leaking with.......milk

"they're leaking" yoongi said as he put his tongue out and lick one of Jimin's nipple that made the younger roll his eyes at the back on how he feels super sensitive in that area right now

"hm-hmpp! a-hhh yoongi pls-pls no more" jimin pleaded when yoongi starts to suck his nipple while playing with the other one, and later on switched on to the other nipple that made jimin bite his lips carefully not to make a sound knowing wooju is asleep in the other room.... yeah right wooju!

jimin then eagerly put both of his hands on yoongi's head as he lift the older whos sucking his nipple to meet with his eyes.

"y-yoongi. wooju.. i-if you keep doing that wooju wont have his m-milk tomorrow" jimin said with a flushed face and panting voice that made yoongi widen his eyes and make his boner twitch. did he come untouched? he thought as the picture of his son sucking his mom's nipple.

"fuck that would be so sexy, jimin breastfeeding our son. fuck jimin... so fucking sexy" yoongi thought not that he sees it sexually that wooju is freeding from jimin, but imagining jimin care for a baby; their baby. he wants to see it this time, jimin being pregnant so he decided, that tonight no one can stop him from giving jimin the ingredients to have a baby. his semen.
yoongi smirked.

"should i be jealous to my own son that he can taste this delicious milk whenever he wants and i dont?" yoongi said as jimin widen his eyes with a flush and hit yoongi at his shoulder

"A-ARE YOU CRAZY!" jimin whispered yell and yoongi laugh at that and starts to kiss jimin from chest down to his stomach

"you must be so sexy when you were pregnant jimin. i dont know where i got this kink of you being pregnant, im just watching you earlier at the photoshoot and then when i saw your tummy like that, i couldn't help but imagine a big baby bump" yoongi said as he now kissing Jimin's tummy and jimin just watch him with a red face and then jimin thought of an idea and smirked

"yeah i look indeed sexy and beautiful when i was pregnant, chanyeol hyung told me" when jimin said that, he felt yoongi gripped on his waist tighter and he heard yoongi growl (and he still doesn't know that park chanyeol is park Jimin's cousin)

"you dont know manners jimin, you dont speak someone's name when someone is about to fuck the shit out of you hmm?"yoongi held Jimin's jaw as he glared at him

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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