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Jimin stirred on his sleep when the rays of sun peeked through his lashes. He sat up on the floor and realized that he fell asleep on the living room floor. Good thing the heater was on he sighed and gripped his hair

"I'm never gonna drink again. Fuck yoongi" he leave a sigh and walks to the kitchen to drink water and when he gulped it, he put the used glass on the sink and starts to roam the house wondering why is it so....quiet?

He walks to his son's room and see it was all clean and he frowned "ah maybe chanyeol got him"  he thought and then grab his cellphone on the living room and ring his phone while makin his own coffee

"Hello minmie? Good morning hun"

"Hi hyungiee chan! Did you fetch wooju? Its too early though he doesn't had breakfast" jimin says as he stir at thr coffee and ready to walk in thr veranda outsidr to sit and take some fresh air

'What? I haven't seen you guys since i visited yoongi's company yesterday'  he says and jimin eyes widen feeling nervous

"Do-dont make a joke like that hyung its not funny! Where is my son!?" Jimin says feeling angry as chanyeol making a not so funny joke. Especially his son is included. And when he said those words he starts to sesrch thr whole house

"H-hyung! I-im getting nervous please just bring w-woo with you" jimin cried on the phone

'Im here saying woo is not with me! And you are the one should know better because you are breathing in the same roof with him, stay there im on my way" chanyeol says sounds angry on how careless being jimin was

While jimin begans to shake and an idea to call jin pop on his mind maybe woo is with jin or havent let him home last night since jin is baby sitter of wooju when jimin's at work

"H-hyung w-woo is there w-with you right?" Jimin asked with shaky breathe

"Oh my Gosh jimin! What happened?? Im at the mall with namjoonie rigjt now? Wheres woo? I left him on your care last night" jij says worriedly

"Hyung.. woo is not here im drunk last nighr i cant remember anything" and with that jimin starts to cry

"Oh my gosh jimin! Were on our way baby hang on there okay? Ill call taehyung and jungkook to start looking around neighbourhood and if we dont find something we'll go to police yeah?" Jin says and a cry was just spoken out of jimin's mouth and with that the call just ended and jimin starts to panic thinking the event last night and when he did he had his eyes wide and got out of the house running towards the guard house of the village



Im curious on why i cant have a proper breathe when i realized that a baby was having his precious sleep while snoring on my chest.

Me and wooju slept last night around 2 am, i know im being a bad 'father' but i couldnt help to play with him some more. I bought him box and boxes of toys that made him happy and squeal around thr house that brought a smile on my lips and he talks nonstop. Maybe he inherited it to him ...until we both pass out on my bed.

And now im smiling while watching him snore and whined on his sleep

Maybe he is cold?

I thought and snuggle him more by now sitting up and him on my chest with a blanket wrapped around us. Its funny i havent been into my pajamas last night. He continues to sleep peacefully as i stared at his face. Pointy nose, sharp cat eyes, gummy smile, skin tone color. I wont even believe whether jimin told me he is not mine, fuck we both are human version of copy and paste. And when i noticed, he got his plump lips on jimin, i smiled and averted my attention on my side table and pressrd the button

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