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After i ran from the cafe.. i drive home quickly and run in my room to cry.. after an hour, i didn't know that i fell asleep.. i noticed the time, its already 11PM.. i take a deep breath because i know yoongi hyung might be home now... i walked outside and saw him drinking coffee whike reading book on the balcony at the left side of the living room..i approach and sat beside him

"H-hyung" i called and he just hummed and looked at me

"Wait? Did you cry?" He asked.. a hint irritation on his voice

"Uhm.. i-i rewatched the ahmm.. titanic earlier" i lied

"Stupid cry baby" he said and ho bavk to readig... i sank on my sit.....

"Hyung.. is it still a D?" i asked

"I said I'm not gonna change my mind!!" He shouted at me and i just became quiet

Silence filled within us and then?

Then i remembered what jin-hyung and taehyung told me yesterday "ask him to go on a date with you" i cleared my throat and speak

"Uhm hyung... i want to go to a date.. hyung please lets have a date?" I said forcing a small smile..  but he just scoffed and closed his book

"What and where again this time jimin?" He asked coldly

"Uhmm i want to go to amusement park" i say while playing on the ring he gave me

"Amusement park? Really jimin? I wouldnt have date you if you were that childish" he said.. and i feel my heart got broken into pieces.. he just like stabbed my chest a thousand times with the knife i gave him.. which is my love for him... a love that we both should cherish... but he is pushing 'our' love to my mouth.. like he is disgusted by it

"B-but y-you en-enjoyed it last time" i said while still looking down biting my lips.. he chuckled

"Are you stupid? Of course i want to catch your heart that time so i decide to go with you.. and besides i have another person to go into wherever i want tommorow and mind your own business" he said throw the book at me

"O-oh is it business? Th-then im sorry for asking" i said and cry gently.. i was surprised again when he lift my head

"And now you are crying? How are you so fucking fragile?? You are such a crybaby and you are so sensitive... you attention whore.. dont cry you fucking useles.. you look so ugly when you cry.. and please lose some weight will you? You look like a fucking pig.. didnt you have shame? Cuz i am in shame because of you.. disgusting faggot" he said and slap me.. he then entered to his room

I covered my mouth and cried and cried...

Hours of nonstop crying i feel my eyes get soo puffy and and my eyelids were numb.. i decide to sleep and forget the pain for a little while

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