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Jimin entered his room while crying and anger fills through his body and deep breathes are exiting through his nostrils. He then wipe out anything he sees that made shutter sounds and that made wooju woke up from his nap and walked wobbly through thr noise and saw his mommy throwijg things in the wall

"M-momi?" Wooju asked feeling scared and jimin seemed didnt hesr the child

"M-moma" wooju called again while being nervous and teary eyes

"WHAT!" Jimin shouted at the distance and his eyes widen when with that wooju broke into a crying mess that jimin mentally slapped himself. He thought his child haven't gone home from kindergarten yet

"Shh mommy is sorry. Mommy is bad please forgive him. Shhh~~ my dear child i love you so muchh mommy is sorry, mommy didn't mean to shout at you love mommy is just stress hmm?" Jimin says as he carry wooju on his lap and walked through the living room and cradle while kissing his son's head

"M-mom-my i-i sow-sowi Don' ang-Angwy at wo-wooju" wooju says and wailed again that made jimin slipped a tears on his eyes

"M-momy is sorry baby. I didnt mean to. Omygosh baby momy is not angry at you and i will never be okay? I love you so much. Youre all that i have. Mommy loves you baby" jimin says and cried quietly hugging his son tightly but wooju didnt stopped hiccuping, whinning and crying. It gotten worst even.. so jimin know what he will do

He then lift his shirt and adjust wooju's head so that the baby's mouth can heave easy access on thr nipple, and when he did; the baby sucked automatically and drinking his mom's milk. (So basically jimin here is not breastfeeding anymore but he only do this when his son is a bit cranky and he cant calm him down. And the one thing that can calm wooju is by drinking his mama's milk. And also even tho wooju is already 3 years old jimin still produced milk because yeah, my cousin still drink up on my aunt and he's almost 4)

The child started lapping at the nipple and jimin just stared st his son while having his milk. He is still hiccuping and jimin starts to cradle him and pat his bum gently and hum him a song until the kid is already sleeping on his mama's arms.


"WHAT THE FUCK JOON WHY DIDINT YOU TELL ME!" yoongi glared at namjoon who is in his office now and dark bags on his eyes and has a messy hair

"Woah you look like shit. Didnt you go home yesterday?" Namjoon asked and yoongi glared more at him

"Do i look like im joking with you? I havent gone home thinking about what happened yesterday!" Yoongi glared at him

"Chill boss. I couldnr tell because jimin told me not to. And besides i didnt tell you but i did warned you. I even asked what will you do if you met him by any chance. Even my husband was not aware about this but in the past few days they had a video call so they know" namjoon explained and yoongi jist gripped his hair

"I didnt know youll be this mess once you see jimin again. What is he to you anyways" namjoon asked with a brow lift

"Nothing.. yeab just nothing" yoongi says as he fixed his posture and lean bavk on his chair again


"Wow jimin you look like a hot chick what the fuck. Im up for banging" chanyeol says as he winked at the younger and jimin looked at him with pure disgust

"What the fuck channie yuck eww never gonna happen over my dead gorgeous body you dimwit! I even imagined it omygosh!" Jmin gripped his hair and chanyeol laughed

"Nah babe dont do that, your hairstyle will be ruined" chanyeol says as he fix the younger's hair... chanyeol arrived last nighr and begged jimin let him go to the photoshoot because he is bored eventho he had many paperwork in his own company. And he entered without the permission of the Ceo

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