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"Are you ready min?" Chanyeol asked and jimin heave a deep sigh and nodded. They were at the front of their Jimin's house while jimin is looking at his son's figure walking out from the door with a bulky backpack on his back and is struggling to walk and he chuckled

"Time flies so fast h-hyung" jimin says with wobbly voice and has a teary eyes and chanyeol starts to rub his back "why c-cant i have him a-all just by myself channie" jimin sobs and chanyeol hugs him and shushes him while comforting him with words

Jimin overthinks on how his son will be broken hearted knowing his father doesn't want him. Poor child only wants his father's love. Its just he wants to have his son all by himself because the truth is, he is not ready to see yoongi. He felt all of his sufferings and traumas will come back.

Wooju frowned seeing his mom hugging chanchan while crying so he starts to run and starts to punch chan's buttcheeks that made chanyeol chuckles and made jimin frowned

"Your son thinks im bullying you again" chanyeol says and that made jimin giggle so they both pulled out from the hug and both look at the kid with rage

"Why make mama cly! You ish bad meanie tata chan!" Wooju says and starts hitting chanyeol's face to shoulder and chanyeol chuckled and lift wooju up

"Im not hurting your mama baby. Mama is cryinf because he is afraid of the airplane baby" chanyeol says and smirks looking at jimin while jimin glared at that statement. Its true that he despise planes because he is afraid of heights and one time while the plane taking off he cried and passed out and for years chanyeol teased him for that

"Weally? Mama scaled? (Scared) i wiww hold mama pwetty hansh latel plomish!" Wooju holds up his palm like taking an oath and chanyeol just chuckled

"Okayyy take care mama for me okay?" Chanyeol says and recieved a nod with a smile from the kid and starts to walk to the car and buckle  wooju up in the backseat on his baby seat while he hopped on the driver's  seat and jimin on passenger and starts to drive

"Woo are you excited to see your uncles there?" Chanyeol looked at the mirror view revealing wooju sucking on his yellow duck pacifier

"Yesh and and and alsho mi dada mwehe" wooju put back his pacifier with a smile thinking about his dada welcoming him with many toys

"Why do you like your dada so much? I told you i can be your dada"

"Mi dada ish hansham. Beri much and tata chan wooks wike...wooks wike shea turtle!" Wooju poked out his tounge and jimin laugh at their bickering

"Ow that hurts tata chan so much" chanyeol grasped his chest and make a painful expression and giggled


"Take care there minnie okay? Ill follow you there a day after tomorrow" chanyeol says while they are infront of the airport and jimin just hummed, they took the night flight

"So heres the address, namjoon will pick you up in incheon.. the house i bought for you its near on mines like 2 blocks away so no worries ill go there right after i arrive in korea and heres the numbers you asked for me. Ill see you there" chanyeol says and kissed jimin's forehead. He is friend wirh namjoon amd jimin and him talked about this matter. He didnt cmae back stronger. Just the same jimin forgives and forgets

"Thank you channie so much. Woo say bye to tata chan" jimin called out his son and the child kissed chanyeol in the cheeks

"Bye bye lil one" chanyeol waved at jimin wooju with a late manager sam rushing to cope up with them

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