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i wake up early today... no not early.. i just didn't sleep because i was thinking of hoseok and jimin

I decide to go to work...

As expected i couldn't focus on work.. my head is full with Jimin and hoseok.. i was so devastated

I decide to  drink... i drive at the bar i used to go everytime i finished working because i dont want to see jimin...

I sat at the corner of the noisy bar.. and drink quietly until i spotted hoseok beside me

"Why are you here hyung?" He asked while pouring himself a glass of beer

"Nothing.. just too much stress" i said.. i didn't notice that i was fully drunk

-time skip-

Yoongi and hoseok made it to yoongi's penthouse.. it was so late... they both sat on the couch and yoongi push hoseok and hovered him

He began to attack hoseok's neck and hosoek was a moaning mess already

"h-hyung this is not right it- Ahhh!!" hobi says while yoongi still attacking his neck and yoongi hit a certain spot

"Shhh shhh hyung will feel you good" yoongi says and wrecking hoseok's clothes...

"You are so beautiful.. we are going to make love shhh" he said and starts taking his clothes off too

He starts to palm hosoek and hoseok was a really moaning mess... 

"H-hyung n-nooo.. its not right.. this ahhh penthouse w-was be-belong to you and ji-jimin" he says while yoongi still plaming him.. he gently push her member to hoseok's entrance

"Jimin? Huh! I never ever loved him hoseok.. just only you.. only you" he started to thrust

"Its just a dare" he says while the whole penthouse was filled with skin clapping and moaning

They continue to frick frack but they didnt know, there was a certain person watching them making love

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