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I am currently wrapped in my blanket, sat on the floor, my back rested on my bed.. head on my knees crying my heart out...

"I'm such a fool.. i always say i love him but he always shrug it off. How fool am i to forget about the dare"  i said to myself while gripping my hair.. and continue to cry.. 

I glance at my clock on my nightstand and it reads 3:20 Am.. i wiped my tears and stand up... i look at myself on my mirror and watch as fat teardrops were scrolling down my cheeks.. i whimpered at the memory for the past hours... then my lips were slowly showing a smile.. until i laugh like a psycho and crazy while tears are still flowing... i stopped laughing and sobbed again "who will love you anyways? You're such a loser, a fool, and you are so ugly" i said to myself and decide to pack my clothes while crying

After i put my clothes on my luggage, i fix the room.... fold the blankets, organize the pillows, the clothes, make ups, my favorite stuffie which yoongi-hyung gave me when we have a date on amusement park 5 months ago... i decided to leave it here because they are all smell like him. And i cant stand bringing things with me with his smell... it'll just make my heart broke into pieces more

An lastly, the phone he gave me and the ring... it doesn't belong to me anyways... i wrote a letter for him with a pufft and teart eyes with small smile..

I already accept it... that for one year weve been together, i was only looking yoongi hyung from afar.. watching his back for a lont time..and one time he glances at me i misunderstand it as love

I finish the letter and slowly and quietly drag my luggage downstairs and put it on my car on the parking lot.. i rode elevator and enter the penthouse again and i saa hobi hyung standing with his eyes full of regret. He then look at me, put his clothes on and walked towards me who is still frozen at the spot...

"J-jimin we-we didnt m-mean to.. no i didnt me-mean to! Its all my f-fault.. i sh-should have let me and y-yoongi h-hyung be very d-drunk" he begged with his hands on my hands.. i cried and hugged him and sobbed

"None of you should blame hyung.. i am the one... im not mad at you hyung, i decided to leave him... its too much, i know since you were kids you love each other.. please take care of him for me and please be happy" i said and broke the hug

"N-no you wont leave him"

"Yes hyung.. i should have do this a long time ago... ever since i heard a conversation including him... dont blame yourself.. you should go now hyung and please do me a favor when yoongi hyung would call you this morning and asked if you saw me please say you dont know" i said while tears are brimming on my eyes

"Im- im really sorry jimin.. please be s-safe.. i wont tell yoongi" he says and pull me on a hug..

After that, he left and i decide to dress yoongi hyung on a pajama.. and stand up to clean the house for a bit.. do his laundry also...i called the company to inform them that yoongi will be a bit late dud to his hang-over

Its already  9AM when i decide to cook him his favorite carbonara as his breakfast and put the hang over pill at the mini bar...

Im stirring the sauce when i felt a hands wrapped around my waist

"Smell good isnt it?" Yoongi-hyung askes and my breath hitched...

We have a conversation from time to time that morning and i even cried on his chest and he kissed my forehead... but my whole body and organs were numb, i cant feel anything..i guess he still didnt know what he did last night cause of his hang over... i decided to go to my room to scan if i already have all my things and change my clothes and then walked out to see hyung munching his breakfast..

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