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I woke up and my head is spinning.. and why i was in the couch? I wad dressed in pajamas....I can only remember last night's event. When i slapped jimin, go to work, and got drunk and passed out


I got up and find jimin... i saw him cooking breakfast.. he didn't notice until i hugged him on his back and nuzzle my head to his neck.. i feel sorry when i slapped him yesterday night

"Hmmm.. isn't it smell good" i said with slightly happy tone.. i don't know why i feel so clingy with jimin today

"U-uhm.. i-its your f-favorite c-carbonara" he says and i notice that his voice ws wobbly.. i furrowed my brows and turn his body on me.. i see his both eyes so puffy

" you watched tinatic last night again didnt you?" I asked with calm tone

"Y-yes... i uhm w-watched it la-last night.. i-im sorry p-please dont h-hit me" he said and slightly push me away

My heart broke at his words.. he thinks me like a monster.. i regret what i did.. i really did

"No.. im sorry for what i did to you ok? I was just frustrated.. come here" i said and pulled him in a hug and kissed his forehead... he cried and hugged me tighter

"J-jack le-let go... how-how can he leave ro-rose like that an-and go to afterlife!" Jimin sobbed and my heart get broken to pieces while he clutched on my shirt...

After a minutes of crying he let go of me ...

"U-uhm y-yoongi h-hyung.. your b-breakfast is re-ready and uhmm.. your p-pill on hango-over was over there in the cabinet" he says and i nodded.. i sat on the table and jimin prepared my breakfast.. i start eating and jimin go to his room.. and minutes passed, he got out from his room wearing a black fitted ripped jeans and white vneck lose shirt and tucked in it.. i scanned his face and im sure he is wearing make up

"Oh? Are you going out? Where are you going?"i said

"U-uhm im going t-to see jin hyung and t-tae.. ahm w-we are g-going to s-shop new c-clothes" he said still stuttering

"Why are you stuttering so much?"

"Im- im n-nervous"hr said

"Why would you nervous?" I asked

"Ah-ahm.. y-you are t-talking to me an-and not s-shouting" he said and lower his head.. i feel a pang in my heart when he says that. I am such a horrible person.. always pouting my stress and anger on him... i froze. I didnt respond

Silence and awkwardness covered us until

"H-hyung c-can i h-hug you before i go?" He asked and i opened my arms and hr straightly jumped on me.. he hugged me so tight that i cant even breath.. im not complaining.. he is warm and comforting

"H-how about k-kiss?" He asked and i frize again.. its not that we didnt kiss before but seeing him with those puffy eyes and asking me a kiss like a cutr toddler... i was just wanted to protect him from the world.. i lean my lips on his.. we slowly syncing our lips together.. and then he pulled away and looked at my eyes..

" i feel like i am jack right now" he said and giggled.. i smile because he giggled.. i wiped his tears using my thumb

"H-hyung i-i love you" he says.. my eyes widen.. he always tells me that he loves me, but this time.. i feel his emotions.. his eyes was pure of love.. overflowing live.. for me... but i know i cant say those words.. im still confused....

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