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After i slapped Jimin, i head on my room and throw myself at my bed and stare at the ceiling...

'Wasn't i a bit too harsh?'  I grab my hair and just think of hoseok...


I am in the living room when Namjoon called me

"Hey wassup?" I asked

"Hyung check the news now!! Its about hoseok!!" He said and i suddenly jolted up

"WHAT!!??" I yelled and quickly turn on the tv

    "Fame news, the most famous south Korean to be noticed by the world, the traveler and the vlogger who reached 30M followers now on his twitter account, Jung hoseok or called J-hope will arrive in the country at incheon international airport @10 PM after 10
years of staying in states. he said he will just stay for  few months in the country because he have a trip on palawan, philippines on his next travel vlog..."

I run to my room to change...  'i have to meet him'

Im changin my clothes but this fucking jimin is bugging me again so i dont have the choice to push him.. i was walkingtowards the door when i heard the vase broke... i just shrugg it off..

'Why would i even care?' I thought o myself..

I drive my limo to the airport.

Hoseok is my first love.. we were about 14 when me and and his parents decide to get us married... at first,we both didnt like the idea but few years passed, we start to develop a deep feelings for each other... we go to same school, same sched, whenever i go he was always there.. he raps likes me.. he makes music like me...

He is my soulmate.. he was my everything.. we both decide to agree to keep the wedding arrangement... we became boyfriends.. until he told me what he really wants to.. he want to travel the world and leave everythinf behind him..

And thats what we both didnt match.. ....

our future plans..

I want to take my father's company while he likes to be traveler.. i agreed on it but when we were in airport to send him off.. he broke up with me he said he cant handle long distance relationship..

And as i say.. we are soulmates.. we both have the attitude we cant take out of ourselves..

its pride

He is still thinking i will give up my pride for him.. but no.. i have to replace my father's position... he said he will come back and we will get married if he already clears his mind... 

And thats what i am doing... i am confirming if our  wedding vows is still available.. 

I still love him.. i love him very much

I arrived at the airport and hoseok was in the crowd.. taking interviews.. the security walks him out and i grab his hands .. he was still stunning as always..

"Yoongi hyung!??" He yelled with smile and hugged me.. i hugged back and i nuzzled my neck to his neck...

"I missed you very much" i told him while holding back my tears...

"I do too" he says and pulls out from hug... i tried ro kiss him but he pull his head on me

"W-why?" I asked.. tears brimming on my eyes

"Hyung.. its 10 years passed already i moved on.. i have a girlfriend now" he said.. i step back

"O-oh.. i- have a meeting so i-i have to go now" i said and drive back home while crying..

When i got back, i heard muffles and cries on jimin's room.. it broke me to hear his cries but i shouldnt care!"

-end of flasback-

I remembered again what did i do to him...

"I am such a coward" i said...

I dont love him.. i want hosoek.. i want the car! Its limited edition. that was the model i wanted to buy but only 5 people around the world has it and Jungkook happened to be one who bought it... i dont care if he cried all day and night.. i dont care if he dies from exhaustion. He was just nothing to me..

Amusement park? Wtf!?? Is he kid!!! I only go to amusement park shit that time we date because i thought hoseok of him.. he resembles him so much.. and why do he always ask if its Fucking D or L?

He was a ray of sunshine like hosoek.. he is so fluffy and comfy like hosoek.. he ws breath taking like hosoek! He was a good fuck like hoseok!! 

But now the real hoseok was here.. i dont his portrayer anymore... but

I dont know if who my heart was beating for.. is it jimin? Or hoseok?


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