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"Oh. MY. GOD!" i almost screamed when the man tossed his calling card to me

"Its Mr. Fucking min!!!" I was shocked then i decide to go home already but elena wave her hand at me

"So hows the interview!!!??" She said excitedly.. i then smile sadly.. her smile dissapeared and replace it with small pout

"I just entered hell" i said and she smile wider and hugged me

"I knew you woukd make it!! So when are you starting!??" She asked

"Uhm tomorrow.. Mr. Min was the one who interviewed me" i said shyly.. she widen Her eyes

"Omo! Are you ok!?? He didnt hit you did he?" She asked.. and i furtowed my eyerbrows

"What do you mean? He seems normal and.....kind"

"Don't fall for his charm and beautiful face!! Mr. Min was the most cold person i have ever met! I spend my whole entire fucking life here.. i started to work here when i was 19 and now im 32 years old! But he didnt even greeted a goodmorning nor hi or hello!" She rant and i sigh

"Maybe he has a problem with interacting with people"

"Uh huh.. maybe? Or he is just a jerk. anyways.. see you tommorow jimin!! I have to go back to work!!" She winked at me and get back to her post... i shooked my head and smile..

I get out of the company and rode bus to my house.. i threw myself at the bed and elene's word make think again

'Don't fall for his charm and beautiful face!!'

"But i think i already am!" I sighed and decide to prepare my things for tommorow...

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