Valentine's Special 2 ❤️

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Yamaguchi sighed as he looked at his phone and saw all the missed calls and messages from Tsukishima. His eyes still a little swollen from crying the night before.


"Hey so are you busy this weekend?" Yamaguchi asked, as he knew Valentine's was on a Sunday this year.

"Umm, I don't know, probably." Tsuki answered, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Oh, well, it's just, you know, Valent--" Tadashi started before he was abruptly cut off by the taller male.

"I fucking hate Valentine's day. You're not wanting to celebrate that dumbass day right?" Kei questioned.

"I-I just thought, because it's our first Valentine's Day and we could d-do something t-together." Yamaguchi said, his voice stuttering in the process.

Kei stayed quiet as they continued their walk to their homes before speaking up.

"Look Tadashi, don't expect much from me. I'm not very good at this type of stuff. I'll probably end up busy this weekend so I don't want to get your hopes up and say we'll spend Valentine's day together. Plus that day is for couples." Tsukishima expressed.

Yamaguchi's eyes much like his heart burned at Kei's words. Much to his luck, they had reached his house as he suppressed his tears and acknowledged Tsuki's words.

"Yeah um, okay. Well I'm here so I'll see you later." He said, his voice betraying him as it cracked and a tear ran down his cheek.

"W-wait Yamaguchi... are you crying? I'm so--" Tsuki tried apologizing as Yamaguchi stopped him.

"It's whatever. I'm fine. Bye Kei." He said, before rushing into his house and leaving Tsukishima.

He quickly closed the door behind him and went to his room where he let his tears run freely.

He wasn't sure why he felt so hurt, he knew Valentine's day could be any day to express your love for someone else. But there was something significant about being able to celebrate on the famous day of love as this had been the first year that Yamaguchi had wanted to spend it with someone he loved. But unfortunately the person he loved clearly didn't see it the same way which made his heart hurt more and his tears continue to stream down his face.

He sat on his bed and let his body fall and although it was early he let his body cry itself to sleep.

——————End of Flashback——————

There was a knock on his door before his mom poked her head in.

"Hey honey, are you okay? You didn't eat yesterday and by the time I came to check on you, you were sleeping." She asked concerned.

"Oh yeah, I just, um, wasn't feeling well." Tadashi responded.

"Your eyes are a little puffy... were you crying? You can tell me if something is troubling you hun." She continued.

"No no. I'm okay. I was just really tired is all." He said, his stomach also responding with a growl.

His mom giggled, "Well if you're sure. I think your stomach wants to have some breakfast. Come on. Get up, sleepy head."

Yamaguchi nodded with a weak smile. "Okay, I'll be down in a second."

With that his mom smiled in return before closing his door again.

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