38. Bed Buddy

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A/N: There is some Mature Content in this chapter!!


The two males awkwardly sat at the table as they ate the food that Hinata had bought. He sneaked a glance at Kageyama who was aimlessly twirling his spoon in the soup.

"Are you not hungry?" He asked.

"Hmm? Oh, uh, not really. I'm also not very used to having someone eating dinner with me." Kageyama answered with a nervous chuckle.

"You should eat though. You haven't had anything to eat today and that's also a factor in your headache you know?" Hinata continued.

"Look at you orange, you sound smart." A smirk displayed on Kageyama's face.

Shōyō's face burned up in embarrassment as his eyes looked back down at his bowl.

"Yaaaah, whatever asshole. Starve then." Hinata huffed out.

Kageyama laughed, "I'm kidding shrimp. Thank you for the concern."

Hinata looked back up and saw that Kageyama took a spoonful of soup in. Hinata was content that the other boy was eating and hopefully decreasing the pain in his head.

They finished eating and Hinata helped pick plates up while setting them in the sink to begin washing them. He felt Kageyama come up behind him and slightly brush his body against Hinata's. The smaller male tried his best to ignore the light contact as he continued to wash the dishes.

Tobio stood next to Hinata with his back pressed to the counter top and watched as he washed.

"Wow, smart and can clean. You surprise me everyday Shōyō." Kageyama teased.

Without thinking twice about his actions, Hinata splashed water onto the taller individual as he burst into a fit of laughter from the shocked expression on Kageyama's face.

"You!!" Kageyama yelled.

With that Hinata took off running while laughing as he was being chased by Kageyama around the home. A couple minutes pass by as Hinata is pulled back by his hips and lifted by the taller male. He walks them back into the kitchen where the sink was still running and Kageyama splashes water in revenge onto Hinata except he took it further and drenched him.

Hinata gasps as the cold water wets his clothes and looks up at Tobio who's fallen into a fit of laughter. Watching him laugh ultimately makes Shōyō laugh and the two males laugh at how messy they've made their supposed "cleanup".

Once they've recollected themselves, Hinata continues to wash the dishes while Kageyama drys them off. 

Hinata's mind drifts off and he finds himself wondering about Kageyama's parents.

"This is a little personal.... and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but.... how much time are you here without your parents?" Hinata asks as his eyes remain on the task at hand slightly afraid that he may have asked something too personal.

He hears a sigh next to him and is about to speak up again but is interrupted by Kageyama's voice.

"My parents are very attached to their job. It requires them to be out of the country a lot of the time which makes it difficult for them to come home I guess. I'm lucky if I get to see them during the holidays. So to answer your question, I'm alone a majority of the time."

Hinata's heart tears a little at the realization of Kageyama's family life.

"But don't they miss you?" He asked.

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