1. Troubled

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Never in a million years did Kageyama  imagine he'd become friends with Hinata, let alone start feeling something that he wasn't quite sure he understood yet. The orange haired boy who swore his revenge against the King of the Court during a volleyball tournament in the 7th grade.
'How time has passed.' Thought the now sophomore Kageyama. As the team began practice he could hear Hinata's dorky voice running towards him from across the gym.

"Kageyama! Throw me some tosses." said the short, orange haired boy. Kageyama studied Hinata's small figure as he moved towards him. Not realizing that he was starring too long, the short boy tilted his head looking up at Kageyama.
"What? Is something on my face?" Asked the confused orange haired boy. "Huh!? No. Hurry up, I'll toss you the ball." Said the flustered dark haired boy. With that, Hinata didn't question him any further.
"Arigatou!!" Answered Hinata with a big bright smile. 'He has the best smi--.' But before he could finish his thoughts, Kageyama stopped himself. 'Tch. Why am I thinking about this shrimp's smile?' Before he had time to answer his own question, he heard Hinata calling out to him.

"Kageyama, stop spacing off! If you aren't focused your tosses won't be good and that isn't going to work for me either." As the dark haired boy collected himself he answered, "Okay, I'm sorry Hinata." The orange haired boy looked at Kageyama with curiosity. "When you're doing your best it makes me want to be the best for you." Said the short boy with a smirk. The dark haired boy look at Hinata with large eyes and flushed cheeks. 'He only means that as a teammate. Why am I getting all worked up?' Thought the dark haired boy. "Yeah, whatever. Let's get this over with." Answered Kageyama.

As practice continued they lost track of time and it was soon time to clean up to head home. As everyone waved their goodbyes Kageyama and Hinata began to walk towards their homes.

"Today's practice was great. Everyone worked so hard. It makes me happy to be part of the team." Said Hinata with a big smile.
"Yeah, I suppose." Answered Kageyama. As they walked in silence Kageyama studied Hinata. Short orange hair that seemed to stick out of everywhere. Big orange colored eyes that were always so full of determination and passion. A small face with a button nose and a smile that could take your breath away. Kageyama liked Hinata's smile but also loved the height he was. He had a short figure but Kageyama was always amazed at how much strength the shrimp had in him.

'The Little Giant huh?' As he lost himself in studying Hinata, the short boy took notice. "You seem to be lost in thought a lot today Kageyama. What are you thinking about?" Not knowing what to say he asked Hinata, "Have you ever looked at someone and felt like they make you a better person? How just being with them makes you happy?" Hinata looked at Kageyama with astonishment.

"Is there someone you like Kageyama?" Asked the surprised orange haired boy.

"What!? No, it was just a question. There isn't any meaning to it or anything. Ugh, shut up! Never mind." Kageyama walked quicker to avoid Hinata's gaze. As Hinata half ran to keep up he continued, "So, who's the depressing girl you're fawning over?" Said the orange haired boy with a smirk on his face.
"Shut up, there isn't any girl. I don't want to talk about this any longer." Responded a flustered Kageyama. "Oh come on! Let me try to guess." Says an excited Hinata. "Hmm.. Could it be Shimizu the manager? Or Sakura from class? Or how about Riko?" An annoyed Kageyama responded, "Shut up. I'm not talking about this with you." Not dropping the subject, Hinata continued "Come on, is it someone I know? Does she go to our school?" Kageyama stopped in his tracks and looked at Hinata, "Why does it matter? Even if I did like someone you're the last person I'd tell shrimp."

A stupid smirk spread across Hinata's face, "I know. Is it a guy that you like?"

Taken by surprise Kageyama answered, "What are you spewing about shrimp? I'm a guy. There's no way I'd like another guy." With a tilt of his head the orange haired boy asked, "What's wrong with liking a guy? If you like someone does being a guy or a girl really matter?" Not knowing what to say Kageyama continued walking and Hinata followed. As they walked in silence Kageyama continued thinking about Hinata's question. 'Stupid shrimp, I bet he doesn't worry about having these weird feelings.'

Interrupting his thoughts, Hinata began to talk, "Whether it's a guy or a girl, I think they're lucky to have you all worked up about them. Anyone would be lucky to be with you Kageyama. Especially me." Stunned the dark haired boy stopped and looked at Hinata. He turned to look at Kageyama and smirked, "Well good night." Before being able to stop him Hinata took off running without another word.

Looking down Kageyama felt his face redden. 'Fuck. What is that shrimp doing to me?' Unable to answer his own question, he headed home.

Stay tuned for Chapter 2!
^-^ ❤️

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