48. Sorry

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The morning went by quickly as they were to be up, dressed, and ready to practice all within a short amount of time. Once they were ready, they all reported to the gym to continue with their training.

"Glad to see you all looking so lively." Coach Ukai started, "Kageyama, it seems you've cooled down since last night. Anything you want to say?"

Tobio was taken by surprise but nodded and walked towards where the coaches were standing before looking out at both his teammates and the other team.

"I, uh, I wanted to say I'm sorry about both my attitude and actions yesterday. I'm sorry that it interfered with the training, not only for my teammates, but also for the other team. It was completely wrong and I promise it won't happen again. I'll do my best and hope you guys can forgive me." Kageyama announced as he bowed in sincerity.

Coach Ukai gave him a pat on the back, "Well what do you think boys? Can you guys forgive him?"

Both captains looked at each other as they whispered amongst one another making Kageyama a bit squirmy in his spot.

"Alright on the count of 3." Taketora said as Ennoshita nodded in agreement.

"1... 2... 3..." Ennoshita counted as both teams shouted in unison.


Kageyama's face flushed a bright red.

"T-thank you." He said as he walked back to stand with the rest of the guys and saw Hinata smiling brightly at him.

"Good job." Hinata whispered. Kageyama smiled at him in return and out of the corner of his eye could see Kenma staring.

Tobio looked over at him in which Kenma just glared before rolling his eyes and looking away.

'Don't let it get to you. Don't let it get to you.' He reminded himself.

"Alright well let's get back to your "new" teams. You'll be training with them and doing drills before we let you off for breakfast and an hour break before coming back for matches. After that you'll have your free time if you turned in your parent forms allowing you twerps to go wander in Tokyo. If you didn't, guess you'll just be hanging around here where we can see you." Coach Nekomata said, giving them an idea of how things were going to look for the next few hours.

"Let's get started!" Coach Ukai commenced.

The boys began to split up to their respective teams. Kageyama wanted to wish Hinata good luck but instead was getting shoulder checked by none other then Kenma.

"Oops excuse me Kageyama." Kenma said, venom seeping through his words.

"Oh it's alright. It's not like there's ample space where you didn't have to bump into me." Kageyama retorted with a fake smile.

Kenma scoffed, "I just came to walk with my teammate here." He said as he looped his arm with Hinata's.

Hinata laughed nervously but also untangled his arm from Kenma's. Making Tobio smile.

"Anyways good luck orange. I hope to kick your butt today during our matches. Yesterday you got lucky." Kageyama teased while walking away.

"In your dreams Kags! We're winning for sure again. Just you watch!" Hinata let out as he too began to walk with Kenma to their team.

"Wow you actually apologized? In front of everyone? Shocker." Lev questioned as Kageyama walked up to his team.

"And didn't eat Kenma alive during your conversation over there with him and Hinata? Holy fucking hell that's new! Are you sure you're the right Kageyama?" Noya also chimed in.

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