6. What. The. Fuck?

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A/N -
Happy New Year's my wonderful readers!! This chapter is slightly longer than my other chapters. Sorry but! Personally I like this chapter very much. 😁
Don't hate me. Love you my little flowers!! 💕🌺🌸🌹

-Little Tree 🌳



"Fuck." Hinata said out loud as he dragged himself to gym for practice. He usually would've been there by now but he's trying to avoid being there early today because it would give him and Kageyama some time alone that he didn't want. 

Hinata already had stopped by his locker to get his things so he just needed to get to practice. Soon he found himself in front of the gym door.

"What are you waiting for?" Ennoshita asked as he walked up to Hinata.

Jumping in surprise he turns around to look at the team leader.
"Sorry, I was just lost in thought." The orange haired boy answered.

"It's okay, no need to be sorry." Ennoshita says chuckling, "Is everything alright?" He continues.

"Oh yeah! Just school stuff. Nothing too important." Hinata answers while rubbing the back of his head and smiling.

"Okay, if there's ever something your struggling with don't be afraid to talk to me. Let's go in?" The team captain says as he reaches over to open the gym door for them.

"Okay. Thanks sensei!" The orange haired boy answers as he walks in with Ennoshita right behind him.

Walking in Hinata notices that him and the captain were the last ones to arrive.

"It's about time you show up! I expect it from Ennoshita even though he's the captain and should be here first but I'm surprised you're here after everyone else Hinata." Tanaka says as he walks up to them.

"Shut up Tanaka. We're here now right? Better late than never." The captain answers as he walks over to set his things down.

"Tch. Whatever. I'm glad you're here now." Tanaka says as he swings an arm around Hinata's head and messes with his hair.

"Agh! Baka!" The shorter boy answers as he pushes his way out of Tanaka's grip and punches his arm.

"Are you guys done messing around so we can start practice?" Tsukishima asked with an annoyed look.

"Alright guys let's start and have a good practice!" Ennoshita yelled.

"Yes!!" The team yelled back in unison.



As practice began, the boys took position and Kageyama watched as Hinata dragged himself over towards him. The dark haired boy smiled as he continued to watch the shorter boy.

"What's wrong with you?" Kageyama asked Hinata.

Hinata tensed up, "W-what?" He stuttered.

"You seem a little uncomfortable." The dark haired boy said as he smiled.

"I'm fine." Hinata answered as he pouted.

"What a cute pout." Kageyama said and was surprised at himself for saying it.
'What the hell is wrong with me?' He thought to himself.

Hinata looked at Kageyama with wide eyes. The orange haired boy looked away and stepped back to place himself as middle blocker.

Soon enough practice continued and whenever Hinata would glance over at Kageyama, the dark haired boy would smirk and Hinata would look away with a blush dusting his cheeks.

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