47. Boundaries

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———————-The Night Before————————

After winning the match, Hinata was jumping up and down as he celebrated with his temporary new team. He suddenly felt Kenma hold his shoulders and unexpectedly place a kiss on his cheek. The action made him freeze on the spot as he could see Kageyama watch what had just happened.

'Oh shit.'

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD."  Kageyama rushed over and tried to fight Kenma and was quickly stopped by Tanaka and Ennoshita.

"Kage--" Hinata tried to call out but instead was hardly audible. He watched as Coach Ukai got involved and had Kageyama removed from the gym.

Shoyo tried to move towards the entrance of the gym. He wanted to talk to Kageyama, as if he needed to explain what had just happened.

Kenma held him back but Hinata pulled away.

"Hey uhm, I don't- I- .... Kenma you're like my brother and best friend but I- I- know you didn't mean anything harmful with kissing my cheek but uhm, I'd appreciate it if you didn't do that again. Please." Hinata said just thinking about how angry Kageyama looked. He looked at his friend who seemed a little irritated but before Hinata could even question him, Kenma nodded, "Yeah I understand. I'm sorry about that."

Hinata tried to smile at him and then saw Tanaka and Ennoshita walking back into the gym without Kageyama.

He walked away from Kenma and jogged over to the two males. "Hey, uhm where's Kags?"

"He's outside with Ukai. Coach didn't seem too happy." Ennoshita answered, "I'm pretty sure he's going to send him to our room for the night."

Just as Ennoshita finished talking, Coach Ukai had come back into the gym without Kageyama, only confirming the captain's words.

Ukai called Ennoshita over to discuss what had just happened leaving Hinata worried.

"So Kageyama is super jealous over Kenma I see." Noya said, causing Hinata to blush a little.

"You think? The whole fucking gym saw that." Lev chimed in, "So are you guys dating or something?"

Shoyo looked surprised by Lev's question. Although they were going on their first date, they had yet to establish any title over what they were.

"We- we umm..." Hinata's face was a bright red as he tried to find the right words.

"I'm saying this shit in the nicest fucking way possible Lev, but I'm sure that's not any of our fucking business." Tanaka finished for Hinata.

"Yeah whatever. Look tiny. Regardless if you guys are or aren't a thing, Tobio needs to get a fucking grip. Even if he dislikes Kenma, which he clearly does,  he can't let that interfere with his focus on the game. It's not just your team he's disrupting. Until he can control his jealousy, this is going to be hell of a time for him and the consequences to that could be him getting kicked off the team which should be a bigger worry for all of you." Lev said.

"I hate to admit it Shoyo, but Lev is right. Kageyama needs to learn to put his differences aside. We aren't all going to always get along but we put that shit aside for the love of our team and the sport." Noya added.

Hinata felt bad. He wanted to talk to Kageyama.

'What do I do?'



He was annoyed by the entire fucking night.

'Fucking Kageyama. Did he decide to grow a pair of balls all of a sudden or what?'  Kenma thought to himself

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