7. Screwed

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'It feels like I'm going to die.' Kageyama says to himself as he hurried home. His stomach was still in knots and his heart felt like it would beat out of his chest. He plays back what happened with Hinata in the gym and all he can hear is Hinata's beautiful moans, the taste of his sweet and salty pale skin, leaving a hickey at the crook of his milky neck. Hinata putting his hands on Kageyama's stomach and clutching his shirt. Just replaying what happened was enough to turn him on.

'Fuck, all I wanted was to tease him by getting close enough not actually touching him.' He continued, Kageyama didn't intend to take things as far as he did. He runs his hands through his black hair.

'What am I doing? What if he tells the others? What if he ignores me? Shit, I didn't think this through!' He curses under his breath. Soon enough he reaches home, gets inside, and rushes to his room. He sets his things down and sits at the corner of his bed.

'I should shower.' He tells himself as he lays back and rubs his face.
'I wonder what he's thinking. He surely seemed to enjoy it.' Kageyama smiles at the thought of the shrimp. He sits back up and looks out his window. 

"I'm tired of over thinking. Whatever happens tomorrow, happens. At this I'll just have to wait and see." Kageyama says out loud and gets up to go shower.



'I need to stand up and finish cleaning up the gym.' The orange haired boy tells himself as he remains sitting on floor. He sits there and tries to process everything that happened between him and Kageyama. But as he replays what happens he can feel his cheeks heat up and his heart begin to race.

"UGH!! That baka!! Why does he do this to me!? Stupid dumbass!! AGHH!!" He yells out.
"Not only that but he left and now I have to clean this damn gym on my own." He continues as he gets up, frustrated and annoyed.

He starts to pick up all the volleyballs and thinks about what Kageyama did.
'Why though? Why? Does he like me? Is he playing with me? What does he want from me?' He thinks to himself and grows more frustrated.
"Ughhhh." He whines as he stomps around.

All of a sudden he remembers that Kageyama has pictures of him skipping class.
"Shit, how long will he hold those pictures against me?" He asks himself.

'I doubt he would actually show them to the teacher. He needs me here in practice. Right?' He continues to himself.
'I need to quickly finish and head home.' He concludes and nods in agreement with himself.

"Alright, game time." He says out loud and quickly begins to clean up the gym. After about half an hour later he finishes.
"Great, time to go home!" He yells out exhausted and is ready to head out. Hinata picks up his things and once out the gym makes sure to lock up.

As he walks home his mind goes back to Kageyama.
'What does he really want? Why is he doing this to me? He's making my heart want to burst.' The orange haired boy says to himself as he continues walking.

"I'll just have to see what happens." He says and decides to run the rest of the way home.



The next morning Kageyama's alarm goes off.
'I don't want to get up.' He complains as he reluctantly sits up to turn off his annoying alarm. He stretches his arms out and sees the sun starting to shine in his room.

"Time to go see how the shrimp is doing." He says as he gets out of his bed and gets ready for practice. 

Once he's done, he gets his gym bag and his regular school bag.
'I'm hungry, I should take an apple or something.' He thinks and walks out his room making his way into the kitchen. Kageyama grabs a water and a granola bar before he leaves.

As he walks to school, he thinks about Hinata and how he'll act when they're together.
'I wonder if he'll blush when he sees me.' He smirked as he thought of the orange haired boy blushing bright red.

Soon he arrived to the gym for practice and much to his surprise, the other guys were there on time. All except one essential person.

"Where's Hinata?" The dark haired boy asks as he sets his things down and walks over to the boys.

"He's not coming. He said he wasn't feeling well. Which says a lot coming from Hinata. He never misses practice." Tanaka answers.

"Will he be here at all today?" Kageyama continues as he gets a little worried about the shrimp.

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure he'll be okay. He's very strong." Tanaka says as he walks over to get a ball.

"We hope he gets better and have him back here tomorrow. So for now let's do our best for Hinata." Ennoshita tells the team and the boys yell out in agreement.

'Fuck, what did I do?' Kageyama says to himself as he tries to focus on practice.



'I'm so screwed. He's going to know I'm avoiding him.' Hinata tells himself as he paces in his room.

"I can't do this. I'm too nervous and I'm just, I can't, I don't know." He says as he jumps back into his bed and shoves his head in the pillow.
"I'm not going. I'm going to just avoid today and stay home. I don't want to miss practice but ughh!! I'm staying home." He continues as he grabs his phone and sends a message to Tanaka and Ennoshita.

He lays there staring at the ceiling as he hears his phone ding.

-Are u ok?! Do u need anything?? U never miss practice!!-
Tanaka replies. Hinata laughs and feels bad at the same time. He sighs and sends him an assuring reply.

-I'm alright, just a little sick. Don't want to get the other members sick. xx-
Hinata hits the send button and gets another text but from Ennoshita.

-Hey, it's okay. Hope you feel better. Text me if you need anything.-
Hinata smiles at the captain's message.

-Thank you captain! I'll be better in no time.-
The orange haired boy replies and throws his phone to the side.

He sits up and looks out his window.
"It's such a beautiful day." He says as he sees the morning sun smiling down at the lovely trees and flowers. He lays back down and stares at the ceiling.

'I know I have to face him but for today I'm going hide in my bed and deal with it tomorrow.' He thinks to himself as he hides under his covers and soon drifts off to sleep.


Lovely flowers!! I got the chapter done. After much time and my slight writer's block I was able to get the chapter finished!! Yaaayy!! 🎉🎊😭 I'm sorry again for taking so damn long. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 💙💜💛💚❤️🖤

I hope you enjoy it and I'll get the next chapter rolling.

Love you all!!🌷🌻🌹🌺
Stay lovely. 💕
-Little Tree. 🌳

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