5. Counting Down

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'Why is the day going by so fast?' Hinata asks himself as he's starting at the clock in his final class for the day.

Normally Hinata would be dying to get out of class as soon as possible and get to the gym for volleyball practice but today he's not feeling all that excited.

He recalls what had happened with Kageyama and just the thought made his stomach turn in knots.

'Why is this happening to me?' Hinata asks himself as he bangs his head on the desk.

"Are your personal problems so terrible you need to disrupt the whole class Hinata?" Takahashi sensei, the chemistry teacher asked as everyone looked back at him and some snickered.

"Fuck." The orange haired boy whispered under his breath as he looked up at his sensei.

"What was that Hinata??" Takahashi sensei asks as he didn't quite hear what Hinata had said.

"Nothing. Sorry sensei." Hinata quickly answered and looked back down at his chemistry book.

Takahashi sensei shook his head at his student and continued with his teaching.

'Way to go baka.' Hinata said to himself as he tried to follow along to whatever the hell his sensei was talking about as if he wasn't spacing off the entire time.

'Kill me.' He said to himself as he looked at the clock and saw that there was only 20 minutes left of class and soon enough he'd have to go to practice and see Kageyama.



'Only 20 minutes left before I go to practice and see the shrimp.' Kageyama thought as he looked away from the clock and back at Smith sensei, his English teacher.

As he was trying to concentrate on the proper way to ask for certain things in English, Kageyama couldn't help but think about what he was even going to do to the shrimp.

'I wonder what he's thinking right now.' Kageyama thought.
'That shrimp has been saying weird things lately maybe I should give him a taste of his own medicine.' He continued as he began to smirk. An idea popped into his head. Lost in thought the dark haired boy didn't notice that Smith sensei had been calling his name.

"Kageyama!!" Smith sensei called out for the third time.

Kageyama flinched at the shouting of his name and answered, "What!?"
A few students began to laugh at the response of the dark haired boy.

"Kageyama, I asked you for what you say when you need a phone? Now please stop spacing off and pay attention." (Bold means he's talking in English. ☺️) Smith sensei said.

Turning red from embarrassment Kageyama answered, "Sorry Mr. Smith. Do you have a phone I may use? Is what you ask when you need a phone. Right?"

Satisfied, Smith sensei nodded his head and moved on to call on another student.

'Shit, I need to stop spacing off so damn much.' Kageyama said to himself. He had been spacing off all day thinking about Hinata.

'That shrimp is always in my head lately and I get so distracted. I can't even pay attention in class' The dark haired boy continued as he rubbed the back of his head and look back at his sensei to at least show he was somewhat trying to pay attention.

A few minutes passed by and Kageyama glanced up at the clock.
'Only 5 minutes left.' He said to himself as his smirk began to take form again.

"Okay, there is only a few minutes left. You can have the remaining time to put things away and converse. Don't forget about your essay, it's due Friday." Smith sensei said as the students started to shove their things into their bags, eager to get out of class and meet with friends or go to their respective after school activities.

Soon enough the bell rang to signal the end of the school day and students rushed to get out of class.

Kageyama stood up from his chair and swung his bag around his shoulder heading out as everyone else did.

'Time for practice.' The dark haired boy said to himself and smiled.

'This should be fun.' He continued as he walked towards the gym for volleyball practice. 


Hello my little flowers! 🌷🌻🌺🌸🌼🌹

Happy Holidays!! 🎄🎉🎊🎁🎎🏮🎏

I'm sorry if the chapter seems short but I feel like what I want to write next would've made the chapter super long sooooo... Yeah. 😁

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it!!
Stay wonderful! 💕

-Little Tree. 🌳🖤 (There's a black heart. 😍 That's pretty cool. Not that I have a black heart or anything but I do love the color black.)
Okay I'm done. Sorry. 😂❤️

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