Chapter Thirty Three

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Bad Decisions 

Sunny's POV

I walk into my closet and grab a handful of clothes that were hanging. I quickly turn around and threw the clothes into my bag that was already opened. I turn back around and repeat this process not letting a thought enter my mind to change my decision. The more I think about leaving the more it makes me want to stay, but I know the reality of this. I'm not going to be happy surrounding myself with the life I once had, maybe after turning into a vampire I should've changed my scenery. 

After most of my clothes were packed, I zip up the bag. Next to it was my backpack that had my books, journal, and other necessities. I grab my back pack and wrap it around my shoulders before holding the bag handle tightly. My eyes gaze my room and I take a deep breath. My eyes lay on a picture that's sitting on my desk. The image is my mom, dad, and I on my birthday when I turned 15. It was freshman year when everything was normal. The tears in my eyes slowly were filling up, but I quickly wipe them away. I need to write them a letter...

I head downstairs with my stuff and grabbed a paper and pen that was laying on the kitchen counter. I stare at the sheet with a blank thought. How do I explain this to them? I can't tell them about being a vampire, or about Taehyung and I, they also can't know I killed Jinhwan. So what do I write? I take a couple seconds to collect my thoughts, then I start to write from the heart. 

Dear Eomma and Appa (mom and dad),

I know you guys have been worried about me recently, and I've been brushing off your concerns, but I haven't been well honestly. My life has shifted so much that I can't manage it anymore, and everyday there's something new to deal with. My heart can't take it anymore, I wish I could tell you guys all my worries but I can't. There are things I can't explain and may never, but that means I need to do whats best for me. Eomma appa I can't stay here anymore, I need to go. This town has only brought me stress and heartache, and I can't do it anymore. Please take care of your health appa, don't miss your medication okay? And eomma, don't forget to exercise so your knee can get better. I love you guys with all my heart, please live out your years to the best and hopefully one day we'll meet again...

love your daughter, 

Lee Sunny

I set the pen down and take a deep breath. I let my tears fall one by one and allowed myself to be weak. I need to let all my emotions out now because once I walk out that door, I'm never returning. After a couple minutes, I stood up straight and grabbed my bags before beginning to walk towards the door. I turn around and took a good look at my house. I felt the emotions well up inside me but I didn't let them fall. I look over to the kitchen and memories flew into my head of when my mother and I use to bake all the time when I was a kid, then to Taehyung when he use to make me pancakes in the morning. I remember the smell being so strong, I could smell it from my room. Even on the days we were angry at each other, he still fed me a plate. I quickly look away trying to forget the thought. Slowly, my eyes gaze into the stairs leading to my room. I remember when my father painted my room to all the colors I loved. He would change it every month for my liking, but I also remembered the night Taehyung and I shared love for the first time. Something I can never take back, he told me he loved me and always will. Looking down at the steps I noticed the scratch marks I made when I first turned into a vampire. Then I look at the couch, where Taehyung and I had our last kiss. How it felt different from our first. 

I didn't want to get anymore emotional, so I turn around and open the door. I was quick to walk out and close the door behind me, and begin making my way to no where. I didn't have a place in mind and it didn't matter. I have forever to run away, I'm sure I'll be going to many places so there's no rush. As I walk I began to reflect deep in thought, not paying mind to where I was walking. The sun was slowly starting to set and I felt the cold wind touch my skin.

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