Chapter Thirty Six

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Trying Again

Taehyung POV

I let Namjoon's words sink in as I sat inside my car staring at the view of the park. I know I didn't want to hear those words, but what if he's right? What if I really can't get Sunny out of the dark woods? I wouldn't live with myself, Sunny doesn't deserve that. With everything she had to deal with, Sunny deserves to be happy and I beat myself over the fact that I couldn't do that for her. But that doesn't mean I should give up, even without Namjoon's support I can still save her if I really tried. I can save Sunny and our relationship, I need to. I need to. 

I quickly backed out of the parking lot and begin driving to the dark woods. I need to get pass Miya and speak to Sunny. I just need to talk her out of doing this. 

After a while of driving, I arrive at the boarder of the dark woods. Miya watches me park my car and she stands up from the ground. As she walks towards my car, she crosses her arms to her chest and tilts her head. 

"You're back," Miya chuckles. I quickly get out of my car and walk to her. 

"I'm going to be a familiar face," 

"You already are," Miya smirks, "You're here for Sunny, again?" I take a deep breath and nod.

"I need to talk to her," 

Miya takes a long pause and looks me up and down before responding, "Why don't you stay here with her? I'm sure Sunny won't leave and you want to be with her, everyone will be happy," She takes a step towards me. 

"I need to talk to her," I repeat. 

"If you come in, I'll make sure you don't come out...Remember, I'm stronger," Miya continues to smirk at me, but I keep my composure and take a deep breath. 

"I need to talk to her," Miya's face drops as I continue to repeat my words. 

"Yah Taehyung," She says annoyed. 

"Just 10 minutes, I need to talk to Sunny, Miya," She tilts her head. 

"If you want to talk to Sunny, you need to stay for a week," I shake my head. 

"Miya, I'm not here to negotiate a deal. I just want to speak to her, okay? I didn't even get to say goodbye to her-" 

She interrupts, "Oh come on, you want to enter so you can get Sunny out. I'm not letting that happen," Miya lays her hands to her sides, and I take a step towards her.

"I promise I won't bring her out, I just want to speak to her," I say desperately, "I'm not leaving until then," Miya smudges her lips debating if she should let me in, finally she takes a deep breath. 

"How do I know you aren't planning anything?" 

"Because you're stronger," I speak raising an eyebrow. Miya was silent, and I was hoping she'd let me in. Finally she takes a step aside. 

"10 minutes, got it?" I nod before walking quickly into the dark woods. 

It's been a year since I've been in here. I remember saving Uni's life when Sunny was kidnapped, but I also remembered the memories of when I was here. I lived in the dark woods for only a year before I managed to escape. The time I spent here was wild, it was like an adventure. Meeting new people, feeding multiple times a day, and feeling hundred percent free. I didn't let that tempt me to stay longer than I knew I should. Once I realized the repetitive routine we were doing here, I knew something was off. I started feelings things again, slowly gaining my humanity back and soon I wanted to go home. 

As I enter the woods Miya watches me from behind, but I don't let that intimidate me. After walking for a while, I found Sunny sitting down leaning on a tree. She looked confused and upset. I took a deep breath before approaching her. Sunny finally notices me once I sat next to her. She widens her eyes and turns to face me. 

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