Chapter eight

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A make of love

Taehyung POV

My side of the bed was empty as usual, but it felt more empty then it actually was. Sunny wasn't here, we're not even talking. I sighed sitting up and looked over my shoulder to the left side wishing she was there.

I got up very slowly knowing the thought of school. I hopped in the shower hopefully It can help me relax. After I was done I wrapped a towel around my waist and got out. I looked around my room and couldn't find my jeans. I remembered I left them in the living room while I was washing my clothes last night so I get out of my room.

"Ah!" Sunny was right there, right in front of me holding a bowl of oatmeal with a natural cute face. "Yah!" I held my towel tighter just in case. "You could of told me you were coming!"

"But then you wouldn't let me come,"

"Exactly!" Sunny sighed seriously and put the bowl down on the ground before pulling me by the arm to the kitchen. "If your wanting to talk seriously, nothing will be serious if I don't get some clothes on, and how did you get in here?!"

"From the back, you always keep it unlocked,"

"I have a back door?" Sunny chuckled with a smile. Oh that smiled I missed I stared down at her smile until she stopped. "Um let me just change really quickly " I said before starting to get my jeans from my couch then started changing once I got to my room. After I change I went out to the kitchen again and stood in front of her jut as last time. "What is it you need? Or came here for,"

"I came here to get our relationship back..." she whispered loudly enough for me to here. I silently sighed. "I want our relationship back. I don't want to keep fighting"

"Should of thought of that when you said I need to deal with you now being friends with jinhwan" I mumbled. After soon realizing I'm acting like a kid.

"Taehyung what's so bad about helping someone. You know you heard what he said. About his past. What he went through-you heard all of that!"

"Sunny. Don't yell. " she bit her lip hard looking away.

"How do you expect me, sunny lee, to let someone suffer after they tell me they had to get surgery because they got punched to many times. How Taehyung?...." I sighed.

"I only don't want you guys to be friends because of this. Because we keep fighting and I don't want to, we both don't want to-"

"Please don't break up with me Taehyung..." she whispered quietly. I looked at her carefully before lifting her chin up to see me

"Don't worry about that, it's not going to happen. We'll make it out and be okay,"I sighed," I didn't know what to do, the first thing that came up in my mind. I never would care if your friends with a guy, I don't! But if he's affecting something I love, that we love I can't have it. Like jhope-"


"I wouldn't mind you guys being friends but I knew the kind of person he was. And look what happened you got kid-"

"Taehyung!!" I quickly be quiet and put my hands in my pockets. "I don't like when you remind me okay...please don't remind me..." sunny looked away and grabbed her bag before walking to the door until I grabbed her arm. She didn't face me, her face was still facing the door and I spoke.

"I just want to know one you have feelings for him?" Sunny waited a few seconds before moving her arms to mind making me let go of the grip I made then she turned to me.

"You know me better than that. " she said," if I liked him I would of broken up with you Taehyung, and I didn't, doesn't that say enough?"

"I'm sorry sun," I said." I'm sorry..." sunny didn't look up at me just walked to my chest and laid her head there and silently cried. I quickly wrapped my arms around her, I knew what she asked and wanted. She wanted me to make her feel safe. "Lets not go to school today.." I whispered before kissing her head. Sunny quickly grabbed my hand and ran to  the couch looking up at me.

"Please" I nodded a little before laying down on the couch and sunny came to me. She snuggled deep in my making my arms wrap around her making her feel safe. Her crying has stopped once my thumb whipped her tears away and I look down at her. Sunnys hand slowly reaches my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. A long passionate kiss. A long passionate kiss that went the wrong left hand slowly went down to her jeans and slowly unbuttoned them then fully went on top of her and let go of the kiss staring at her not even a inch away from her face. We both knew what we wanted, what we needed.

I whispered," baby, I don't have a condom with me," I said as sunny wraps her arm around my waist. We both didn't want to stop here. I guess I'll just pull out once I need to cum. I kissed her quickly and roughly flipping for sunny to be on top.


Sunny POV

My back was facing taehyungs sleeping face cause I didn't want him to see me smile to death. It's been so long since Taehyung and I shared our love, and it was amazing, beautiful, and special adding romantic.

I could hear his soft snores as I pull the sheets a little more above my chest since we're fully naked and held onto the blanket on my chest while sitting up.

"Why are you making so much noise? I'm trying to sleep," Taehyung said scooting closer to me. I smile bringing my left hand to his hair and playin with it. He smiles from the feeling.

"I'm trying to sit up baby," he quickly opened his eyes looking up at me

"Your not sore?" He asked surprised. I shook my head

"Not really. I can still do things myself so I don't think so,"

"Did you try?"


"Then I'm sure you can't,"

"I can mr. Horny one" he smirked

"Last night was fun," he said. Taehyung scooted over more and tries laying his head on my lap but I quickly stop him," i don't have any thing on.." he smirked again.

"Oh right," I slapped his arm. Taehyung sat up and sighed. "Are we going to school?" I nodded. "How about jinhwan though?"

"What about him,"

"Your going to be with him?"

"We've talked about this tae" I rested my head on his shoulder," were friends. Plus you'll know if I liked him"


"Cuz I'd break up with you," he looked down at me.

"Don't do that," I shook my head

"Don't worry I'm not gonna, I love you to damn much to," he smiled and quickly flipped on top of me.

"Five minutes" I couldn't help but slightly smirk and quickly kissed him.

{a/n: idk what this chapter really was, but yea only one smut but not sunny...that leaves Taehyung...but with you? }

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